How to Take Mask Off in Payday 3?

Every hiest starts with Mask On, but there is a choice to remove the mask in PD3. Will you dare to do this?

Mask is a way to conceal your identity in Payday 3. Before every heist, you will have an option to mask up and enter restricted zones. But what really happens if you do not wear a mask in Payday 3? This article will answer all the questions related to PD3 Mask. How to wear it, how to remove it, and PD3 Mask-specific skill set to improve your stealth gameplay.

How to Remove Mask in Payday 3?

How to Remove mask in PD3

At the very beginning of the highest, you will have the option to press G to wear the mask. At this point, you can choose to mask off in Payday 3. That means loot without wearing a mask. The game does not provide any option after that. Once you have selected to wear the mask there is no way to remove it later on.

Consequences of not wearing a mask:

As far as the gameplay is concerned there are no major consequences if you are not wearing a mask. It looks like most of the civilians, guards, and CCTV cameras, are still able to be taken out as an outsider. Even if you are playing without a mask the game mechanism marks you as a robber. But only if you are in total stealth mode.

PD3 No Mask Heist

Without the mask, ample time guards will ignore you unless you are not in a restricted area. You can just walk out of the bank carrying a bag filled with cash in your hand. On the other side while wearing masks law enforcement will be aggressive towards stopping you.

So if you planning to perform a heist without a mask then go into Stealth mode.  Do not forget to tie civilians or guards in your way. Here are some skills that will help a lot when you are not wearing a mask in PD3.

The Grifted section of Payday 3 Skill sets has some specific skills to improve stealth gameplay. They are listed below.

  • Grifter Basic: Gain Rush within 1 meter of a civilian or employee without a mask.
  • Walk the Walk: Cameras will not detect us trespassing in private areas without masks and you will have a rush. But they can find you doing illegal actions.
  • Social Engineering: Employees will ignore your illegal action as long as you have RUSH and are without a mask.

Hopefully, in future updates, we might see an option to remove the mask in between the heist. For more help on the game check our Payday 3 Guide section.