Location of Three Relic Dolls (Triada Blessings) – Far Cry 6

How To Find All Three Relic Dolls for Completing Triada Blessings in Far Cry 6?

Triada Blessing is an treasure hunt mission which unlocks some of the most rewarding gears in Far Cry 6. Like super-stealth footwear that almost hides your footsteps. Another one is Triador Supremo that unlocks an mode where you are immune to damage and shoot through walls. The best thing about Triada Blessings Quest is you don’t need to rank up high. The only requirement is unlocking Monteiro Farms. After this you can access to an bigger region of map. The challenge here is to find the cave locations where all relic dolls are hidden. Along with dolls there is an chest that will reward you with some of the best gears and weapons in Far Cry 6.

How to Complete Traida Blessing Treasure Hunt Quest?

Tradia Blessing is a hidden quest not displayed on the map. It ends in Oluwa’s Cave where after submitting three relics dolls an access to hidden cave unlocks. This cave has a chest with La Varita Exotic Gun, Triador Supremo and Oluso Black Panther Amigo. Finding three relic dolls is the most challenging part of this treasure hunt. But relax I will help you with everything. We will go step by step, starting with the locations of each relic doll, then locatino of Oluwa Cave.

Relic Doll 1 Location:

Relic Doll Location FC6

You will also unlock Ida’s Sigil Headgear, an gear with night vision that reveals hidden enemies, animals and more. Thie first one is in Madrugada, near Lozania. It is somewhat near to Monterio farms, but there is also a hideout and some checkpoints around.  Watch the video below to see everything.

Relic Doll 2 Location:

Relic Doll Location FC6

The second one is in El Este. The relic doll is inside a mine who’s door is locked. You will have to pull out the generator connection and activate the lift to reach the cave region. Follow the map location to reach the mine entrance, break the lock and follow the wire to reach the generator. Break the wooden platform and pull the wire. Return back, swim through the water to the other side and activate the left from panel on left. Go further down, follow the cave to grab the second relic doll. Do not forget to grab the Mimo Abosi footwear from the chest. Watch the video below to see everything.

Relic Doll 3 Location:

Relic Doll Location FC6

The third and final doll is inside a Fort which also has a haunted house. Drop on the roof of the fort and look for a entrance on the left side. Grapple down and the second door will lead you to room full of rats. There is a button on the right press and you will hear a explosion. Exit the fort and use the zipline to reach the well. Grapple down slowly, you will have to swing towars the cave where you will find the last relic doll. Watch the video below to see everything.

What to do with dolls? (Oluwa’s Cave Submission)

Now you have all three relic dolls, its time to return to Clara’s camp. Oluwa’s cave is near to the camp. Inside the cave you will have to submit the dolls and it will reveal a hidden cave. Inside there is one final chest which has Traidor Supremo and La Varita weapon. Also you will have to fight and kill Oluso. Revive and it will be your new amigo. Watch the above video to checkout the whole relics process.

Want more secrets, then do not forget to check our Far Cry 6 Wiki Guide for the latest tips and tricks on the game.