Overwatch 2 Legacy Credits: How To Transfer & Spend Them?

What are Legacy Credits in OW2 and how to use them? Find out here.

Overwatch 2 replaces Overwatch, but thankfully, that doesn’t mean you lose your progression, cosmetics, credits, and more. Speaking of credits, many are wondering if the credits they’ve collected over the years in OW will be useful in OW2 or not. Here’s a guide that explains how to get Legacy Credits in Overwatch 2 and how to spend them.

How to Get Legacy Credits in Overwatch 2?

Players cannot earn Legacy Credits in OW2. But if you have collected Credits in Overwatch 1 via loot boxes or duplicate drop compensation, you will see them in Overwatch 2 as Legacy Credits.

How to Transfer Legacy Credits in OW2

Ensure that you have merged your Overwatch accounts with the right Battle.net account to make this process seamless. Once you do that, you will get Legacy Credits in OW2 immediately.

In case you have never obtained Credits in OW 1 or used a different account while merging, you will not be able to transfer the original Credits and turn them into Legacy Credits.

Lastly, once you have used up the currency you have earned from the previous game, you will need to use Overwatch Coins which is the premium currency of the sequel.

Also Read | How to Get Overwatch 2 Coins

How to Spend & Use Legacy Credits?

Players can use OW2 Legacy Credits to purchase skins, emotes, sprays, victory poses, and more for specific new characters. When you select a cosmetic you want to buy, you will be given an option to select a currency to purchase the item. Choose Legacy Credits or Overwatch Coins from here and confirm your purchase.

how to spend legacy credits ow2

At this time, Kiriko, Junker Queen, and Sojourn have skins that you can buy with Legacy Credits. You can also use the Credits to buy items in the Hero Gallery and items such as Weapon Charms.

Should I Spend or Save Legacy Credits?

Since the only use for Legacy Credits in OW2 is to unlock certain skins and there’s no way to earn more such credits in the sequel, it’s best to spend them. There’s no way to go back to the original game and grind more Credits. The new virtual currency is now Overwatch Coins and they will remain the focus of this game.

That’s everything about Legacy Credits in OW 2. While you are here, check out the best controller settings to win games.