How To Use Alien Containment In Subnautica Below Zero

Here is how you can get inside the Alien Containment and use it in Subnautica Below Zero.

The underwater world around you seems neverending and full of unique life forms in Subnautica Below Zero. Some of these life forms and resources are exactly what is keeping you alive in this unknown world. The basic survival can be harsh given the weather changes and going out there collecting food water and other items to survive. So to combat these, the game has various structures that can help you ease out the process of this resource gathering. One such module is the Alien containment that Subnautica provides. It is nothing but an aquarium that will help you store certain life forms. But it might be confusing initially to use. So in this article, we cover how to use the Alien Containment in Subnautica Below Zero and the way to get inside it.

How To Use The Alien Containment Subnautica Below Zero.

Once you have the blueprints scanned, you will need a multipurpose room to build it in. Once your room is ready, use a habitat builder to build the Alien Containment inside it. When you build the Containment for the first time, you will only be given an empty cylindrical aquarium. Your first task is to get inside it.

Alien Containment

How to  Get Inside this Containment?

To get inside the alien containment in Subnautica Below Zero, you will need to build a hatch on top of this containment. Once the hatch is built, you can now get inside it.

Hatch alien container subnautica below zero
You will see that the Alien Containment in Subnautica has 2 components to it. The first one is just the water aspect where you will be able to keep water creatures. The second part is the base floor of the container where you have a planter. Here you can grow various kinds of fauna. You can breed different kinds of fish like the artic peeper or the bladder. This can be a steady supply of food and water.

So that is all for our guide on how to use alien containment in Subnautica: Below Zero. If you would like to know some pretty cool console commands and cheats for the game or how to see coordinates, make sure you check those articles out too.