AFK Journey: How To Achieve And Increase Guild Activeness

Increasing your Guild Activeness in AFK Journey is one of the most challenging tasks in the game. Here’s everything you need to know to easily achieve it.

Once players are able to cross stage 30, they will be able to access and join Guilds. Although this is a great option to make your gameplay more interesting, it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Consequently, many players have been wondering how they can achieve and increase Guild Activeness in AFK Journey.

Once you start contributing to the Guild, it will help you earn some special rewards and you will also be able to obtain a higher Guild status. Here’s what you need to do if you want to easily achieve all of these advantages in AFK Journey.

How to Increase Guild Activeness in AFK Journey

How To Achieve And Increase Guild Activeness In AFK Journey
Image Credits – FARLIGHT

The best way to boost Guild Activeness in AFK Journey is through Guild quests. Once you start participating and completing all of these varied quests, along with Guild Activeness, you can also obtain Guild Medals. This will indirectly help you get more Guild Funds.

Moreover, these quests will reset weekly, and upon completion, you will be able to claim some special rewards. To help you understand what are the different kinds of Guild quests you and your friends can take part in, here’s the quest list you can refer to:

  • Challenge and complete the Arena x3
  • Participate and enter the Dream Realm Rankings x1
  • Take part and complete x20 Battles
  • Log in x3 days this week
  • Obtain x100 Dolly Tickets through recruitment
  • Participate and complete x5 Proxy or Synergy Battles
  • Obtain x250 Mithril Points

Apart from earning Guild Medals and Guild Funds, by increasing your Guild Activeness, players can also obtain Guild XP (1 Guild Activeness = 1 Guild XP). Through this, you can obtain more bonuses and you will also achieve higher ranks and status.

How to Check Guild Activeness Score in AFK Journey

To find out your Guild Activeness Score in AFK Journey, go over to your Guild, and look for your name amongst the list of other members. Under the Activeness column, you will find the score you have achieved until now.

If you are still adjusting to the game and are not able to get a higher score, focus on completing the quests that are achievable, like logging in thrice a week and participating in battles. Additionally, if your team members aren’t as active as you would want them to be, you can also choose to leave the Guild.

This concludes our guide on how you can achieve and increase Guild Activeness in AFK Journey. If you found this information helpful, browse through our other guides and find out how to spend diamonds and learn how to get Confining Spell.