How To Get Traded In RTTS In MLB The Show 24

Want to be traded to one of the top teams in MLB the Show 24? This guide will show you how to be drafted in Road to the Show at the top level.

While playing through Road to the Show, you would want to be drafted to one of the top teams in Major League Baseball. However, that is one of the most tedious tasks that you need to face. If you want to be traded in MLB the Show 24, you will have to put in mighty performances and get scouted by the top teams. Although there are a few steps to do that, you will have to grind a lot right from the start.

While trading is one thing, the first and most important step would be to be drafted. Unlike other games where you can start with the top teams, players will have to work their way through trial drills and practice games to get a draft. After that, they will be eligible to be traded to other teams based on their performance.

How to Get Traded in MLB the Show 24

How to Get Traded in MLB the Show 24
Image via TheShow

Once you get drafted to one of the teams, you will open yourself to the possibility of getting traded in MLB the Show 24. However, it won’t be easy since there are numerous things that you need to take into consideration. One important thing you should know is that currently, you cannot request a trade but rather have to impress other teams to be traded. Here’s what you need to focus on:

  • Play well and win as many matches for your current team as possible.
  • While winning matches, you also should get your team as high up in the league as possible.
  • Boosting your OVR stats is one of the most important factors and heading to the Practice Field once every while would be a great idea to do so.
  • Keep in mind, that simulating matches won’t net you as much XP and it may affect the trading process altogether.

That’s all you will need to get traded in MLB the Show 24. If you found this guide helpful, do check out how to use Face Scan and other such guides right here at Gamer Tweak.