Diablo 4

How To Get Level 20 & Above Gear In Diablo 4

Here is how you can get items of level 20 and higher in Diablo 4.

In Diablo 4, many players have an issue where they are level 25 or higher, but they cannot get any gear or items of even level 20. Many speculate this might be a bug because the developers didn’t scale the drops to match the enemy levels. But there are a few things that you can do about it. So here is how you can get level 20 and above items in this game.

How to Get Level 20 Gear in Diablo 4

To get level 20 gear or above in Diablo 4, you need to level up in World Tier 1 or play on World Tier 2 for better spawn rates depending on your character rank. The game allows you to start directly on World Tier 2 – Veteran. Make sure you start your game on Veteran difficulty instead of Adventure.

This makes the game more challenging but gives you better loot. World Tier 2 alone won’t be much help, but playing on this tier will allow you to take on the Cathedral of Light Capstone Dungeon in Kyovashad after completing the Campaign.

So while you play on World Tier 2, you get 20% more Exp and 15% more Gold. But once you do the Capstone Dungeon, you can select World Tier 3 Nightmare as your Difficulty. Here you unlock:

  • Drop chances of Sacred and Unique Items
  • Chances of dropping Nightmare Sigils when you unseal Nightmare Dungeons
  • Can Fight Champion Monsters
  • Chances of Helltides to appear across Sanctuary

Now, fight the Champion Monsters; they will drop items level close to or above your character rank. Remember that the recommended level for Nightmare difficulty is between levels 50 – 70. So make sure you also level up your character, or else you will not be able to complete the Capstone Dungeon. Or if you somehow do manage it, then you will have a hard time playing the game on the new Difficulty.

That’s all you can do to get level 25 and above items in Diablo 4. Since you are on your journey to complete the campaign, you should learn how to beat Astaroth. Also, check our Diablo 4 section for help on other topics like Network Error fix, max level cap, and more.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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