Diablo 4

How To Get Legendaries Fast In Diablo 4

Here is how you can easily farm some legendaries in Diablo IV.

In Diablo 4 there is a farming method that lets you get legendaries easily. These items have better stats compared to your regular items. You can compare and keep the best. And sell the ones you don’t need because they fetch quite a lot more gold. So without further ado here is how this method works.

How to Get Legendaries in Diablo 4

Image Credit: BabbleOn on YouTube

The best way to farm legendary items in this game is by Freeing the Captives in Kor Vos and defeating the boss there. The event in itself is quite easy and you can finish it in a couple of minutes. The best part is you can trigger the event repeatedly, thus farming becomes easier. So here is what you have to do for it:

  1. Go north of Frigid Expanse to get to Kor Vos. You can get here by going southeast from Kyovashad. Or by going to the Malnok stronghold and heading northwest from there. This is a snowy region.
  2. Once here, you will be ambushed by various Ice clan enemies.
  3. Fight them and free the 6 captives. Try to remember their locations, there is a good chance that they will spawn here again.
  4. You can find the captives stuck in a cage. Interact with the cage to open and free them.
  5. After you free them all, go to the main area to fight the boss Raim Duplicius.
  6. Defeat this boss within 60 seconds to get Mastery.
  7. You will now complete the Liberation event. A chest will appear where you get legendary items from.
  8. Finally, open a portal here and go to Kyovashad or any other town. Wait here for a few seconds and use the portal again to go to Kor Vos. The event will start again and you can repeat the above steps to continue farming.

In case the portal method doesn’t work for you, then there is another way for it. Leave the game, then choose your character from the select screen and try this time. The above farming method should start working again.

That covers this guide on how to get legendaries in Diablo 4 and the best farming method. If you enjoyed this guide then also check out our other topics on how to beat Fleshless Abomination, beat Vhenard, and beat Tchort.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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