How To Find Bonded Leather In GoW Ragnarok (Farming Guide)

Check out all the ways to farm & get Bonded Leather in GoW Ragnarok easily.

In GOW Ragnarok players are going to see various new quests and side missions in the game. Apart from these tasks, your goal is to get through the main story. However, it’s not going to be that easy, because as you keep progressing you’ll face several new enemies and bosses to fight. So make sure you’re well equipped and your armor is strong enough to take the opponent’s hit. For those who are unaware, upgrading your armor will cost you many Bonded Leather which is pretty difficult to farm. If you’re already running low on this material then we’ve got you covered. In this guide, we’ll help you farm & get the Bonded Leather in God Of War Ragnarok easily.

Where to Get Bonded Leather in God of War Ragnarok?

How To Find & get Bonded Leather In GoW Ragnarok

To farm & get Bonded Leather in God of War Ragnarok the player will have to defeat various Mini bosses and enemies. One of the mini-bosses you’ll come across in the early stages of the game is the Huntress. We recommend you complete the Favors often, doing so will help you find such dangerous opponents that drop this material. Another way to find Bonded Leather is by opening Red Chest in the game. And if you’re lucky enough then you might get some amount of this leather floating in the Svartalfheim water.

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After you have enough of this material you can not only upgrade Kratos but also Atreus’s armor. Till level 3 you can upgrade your armor with the help of Bonded Leather without any hassle. But after that, you might need some other materials as well, such as Stonewood, Nidavellir Ore, and many more.

That sums up everything about how you can find & get Bonded Leather In God Of War Ragnarok easily. While you’re here check out how you can get Hacksilver quickly in the game.