Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Condensed Resin: How To Get

Wondering how to get Condensed Resin in Genshin Impact, you are in the right place. Continue to read this guide and get to know everything about Condensed Resin.

Genshin Impact Update 1.1 is bringing in a lot of changes, among which is the new progression system called the City Reputation System. Leveling up in the City Reputation system grants you several lucrative rewards. One of the rewards that you get through the Genshin Impact City Reputation system is a Condensed Resin crafting blueprint. The blueprint allows you to craft Condensed Resin that can help you save a lot of farming time. Here’s how to get Condensed Resin.

How to Get Condensed Resin in Genshin Impact

You will get the blueprint for Condensed Resin in Genshin Impact upon reaching City Reputation level 3 in Liyue. Once you have the blueprint, all you need to do is visit a crafting bench to farm Condensed Resin.

Image credit: miHoYo

How Can I Craft Condensed Resin?

You can craft Condensed Resin in Genshin Impact by using the following materials:

You can store up to 3 Condensed Resin at a time. Using each Condensed Resin can save you up to an hour or more of farming time. Hence, it is a pretty good deal for players who are in constant search of artifacts, Mora, and other farmable items in the game.

Image credit: miHoYo

How Should I Use Condensed Resin?

You can use Condensed Resin in Genshin Impact to get two sets of rewards for completing Ley Line Blossoms and Petrified Trees in Domains. So now, you can get two sets of rewards for 40 Original Resin, instead of 80. This will help increase your farming efficiency.

Now you know how to get Condensed Resin in Genshin Impact. You will need Crystal Cores, Original Resins, and Mora to craft it. You would probably know about Original Resin and Mora if you are a fan of the game. However, Crystal Cores don’t have much use currently; hence, there are pretty good chances that you are not aware of the item. But once Update 1.1 is out, you would need Crystal Cores in plenty. So it is wise to start farming them already.


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