Elden Ring

Elden Ring: How To Free Sorceress Sellen In Witchbane Ruins

Confused about the Sellen questline? Check out our guide on how to free Sorceress Sellen in Witchbane Ruins in Elden Ring.

Elden Ring features a plethora of NPC characters that help you in the journey of becoming an Elden Lord. One of these characters includes the Sorceress Sellen. You will interact with her for the first time at the Waypoint Ruins after defeating the Mad Pumpkin Head guarding her abode. Upon completing a series of tasks and quests, she will state that her current form is merely a spectral projection. And her real physical form is imprisoned in a cellar in Witchbane Ruins. But several players are having trouble freeing her from the shackles. Not to worry, check out our guide on how to free Sorceress Sellen in Witchbane Ruins in Elden Ring.

How to Free Sorceress Sellen at Witchbane Ruins in Elden Ring

You can find Sellen at the Witchbane Ruins located in the Weeping Peninsula under a cellar. You can find Weeping Peninsula to the south of the Fourth Church of Marika, the site of the Grace. As you progress, you will also find a Wandering or Walking Mausoleum along the way. But before you progress, there are a few prerequisites to meet this version of Sellen. You have to defeat the Starscrouge Radahn boss before you meet her.

Image Source – LunarGaming on YouTube.

Upon reaching the Witchbane Ruins, you will find a staircase leading you down to a cellar. You have to head down these stairs to find the Sorceress Sellen in her physical form. Upon interacting with her, she will reward you with the Primal Glintstone to take care of. You will be tasked with taking this Glintstone to another version of her. Note that this version will be separate from the ones that you have encountered here or at the Limgrave.

Now, head over to Ranni’s Rise to the west of the Three Sisters region. Over there, you have to locate an illusory floor between the different arches. You need to strike it to reveal a staircase. Here’s the exact location of the illusory floor:

Image Source – Fextralife

As you head down the stairs, you will find an illusory wall to the back of the cellar. You will find another Sorceress Sellen at this location. Interact and give her the Primal Glintstone to progress further into Sellen’s quest line. You can find her at the same location until you have beaten Rennala, the Queen of the Full Moon. She will resume selling you sorceries at the same location.

That being said, the Sorceress Sellen questline is one of the lengthiest out of all in Elden Ring. So, you can check out our guide on how to complete the Sellen questline if you are having any trouble.

Who to Choose Between Jerren or Sellen?

Once you have defeated Rennala, you will have to choose between Jerren and Sorceress Sellen. For that, head over to the Raya Lucara Grand Library site of Grace. Over there, you will find two summon signs. The gold summon sign indicates challenging Jerren with the assistance of Sellen. While the red summon sign indicates challenging Sellen with the aid of Jerren.

Here are all the rewards you get for defeating Jerren:

  • Eccentric Set
  • Glintstone Kris
  • Shard Spiral Sorcery (Added to her inventory)
  • Witch’s Glintstone Crown
  • Azur’s Glintstone & Lustat’s Glintstone Set (Revisiting the spots where you first met them)

Here are all the rewards you can get for beating the Sorceress Sellen:

  • Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone
  • Witch’s Glintsone Crown
  • Sellen’s Bell Bearing
  • Jerren & Eccentric Armor Set (Upon killing him)

That’s everything covered about how to free Sorceress Sellen in Witchbane Ruins in Elden Ring. If you liked this guide, check out our guides on who should you give scrolls to, how to get to Altus Plateau, where to get Sacred Tear, and more Elden Ring Guides on our dedicated section right here on Gamer Tweak.

Shubham Nema

Hi! I am a Writer/Blogger/Cinephile/Quantum Physicist. The last one is not true but the rest of them sure are (I swear on Albert Einstein's theory of relativity).

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