Lords Of The Fallen Can’t Loot Items In Co-op Fix

Check out this guide to know why can’t you loot items in Lords of the Fallen Co-op while accompanying another Lampbearer.

If you are wondering why in Lords of the Fallen Co-op you can’t loot items while accompanying another lampbearer, then don’t worry we have got you covered. The Soulslike RPG provides an ultimate multiplayer experience with its different Co-op and PvP modes for players. While playing as a guest you will be able to collect items dropped by enemies like weapons, armor, etc, you won’t be able to pick up items that you will come across while exploring the lands of Mournstead and also by defeating the Colossal Bosses.

And this can be pretty confusing given you already spend so much time exploring different locations and defeating bosses in the game. However, there are many things that players will have to keep in mind before accompanying other Lampbearers. So if you are looking to know more about it and wondering whether or not there is a fix for it, then here is a guide you should check out further.

How to Fix Lords of the Fallen Can’t Loot Items in Co-op

How To Fix Lords Of The Fallen Can't Loot Items In Coop
Image Source: Steam

Unfortunately, there is no fix for it as it is one of the core Co-op mechanics that Hexworks has in play in Lords of the Fallen. As mentioned before, players while playing as a guest will only be able to collect items dropped by different enemies like different weapons or armor but can’t loot items that they will come across in chests, surroundings, or even boss drops. Only the host Lampbearer would be able to pick up that item and have it at his disposal as they progress through their campaign of overthrowing the demon god, Adyr.

The Co-op mechanics have been described in more detail in one of the Hexworks’ Dev Journals hosted on the official Lords of the Fallen site. While there is no official fix for this, there is a workaround that players can try out with their Co-op host to get boss drops, chest items, etc in the game.

The workaround comes in the way of sharing items while exploring the lands of Mournstead and the parallel realms. The Lampbearer Host can share the items they collected with their Co-op partners and the second player will be able to collect the item. However, the catch is there is no voice chat or text chat feature available in the multiplayer co-op.

This makes it even more difficult as players will have to hope that the host Lampbearer is generous enough to drop the items in Lords of the Fallen. It is also worth mentioning that joining as a guest won’t progress any of your storylines in Lords of the Fallen. However, you will be able to keep the items you collected and the ones shared by the host in your inventory.

That’s everything covered on Lords of the Fallen Can’t Loot Items in Co-op Fix. For more interesting guides like these, check out our dedicated LOTF Guides section, right here on Gamer Tweak.