Prince Of Persia The Lost Crown: How To Find Wak-Wak Trees

Find out how to find all the Wak-Wak Trees without any hassle in Prince of Persia The Lost Crown.

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown introduces Wak-Wak Trees a means for players to save their gameplay and replenish Sargon’s health along with some other things. You will find these trees scattered all across different biomes and unbeaten areas which forces you to explore the cursed city of Mount Qaf thoroughly. However, since they are dispersed in several areas, it might be difficult to spot them around.

Although, there are a few cues that you can take into consideration and go out looking for the Wak-Wak Trees in Prince of Persia The Lost Crown. Since the trees also serve you as a respawn point and where you can change your Amulets and abilities, they are quite essential in your quest to rescue Prince Ghassan in the game. So if you want to know how exactly to find these golden trees, then here is a guide you should check out further.

How to Find a Wak-Wak Tree in Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

How To Find A Wak-Wak Tree In Prince Of Persia The Lost Crown
Image Source: Game Guides Channel on YouTube

Players will stumble upon their first Wak-Wak Tree in the Lower City in Prince of Persia The Lost Crown. On your way towards the tree, you will come across a light breeze with golden leaves guiding your way in the game.

Following this golden breeze will land you exactly where the Wak-Wak Trees are located. Since the option for the golden breeze is available in the guided mode, we would suggest that you turn it on while looking for the trees.

Additionally, you will also spot some golden leaves lying on the ground. This indicates that a tree is nearby and along with it, you can follow the breeze accordingly to reach its exact location. Since the breeze and leaves guide you throughout the way, you will need to sometimes put your platforming skills and Sargon’s abilities to the test.

Considering you will find several enemies throughout your journey and in different areas, you might need to travel accordingly. Interacting with some of the Wak-Wak Trees in Prince of Persia The Lost Crown will introduce you to the Wak-Wak heads. And simply speaking with these heads scattered across different trees will help you unlock the Tree of Life Trophy in the game.

That’s everything covered in this guide. If you find this guide helpful, check out our other guides on how to get all time powers and a list of all bosses in the game. We recommend you go through our dedicated The Lost Crown guides section for even more interesting ones, right here on Gamer Tweak.