Slime Rancher 2 Lava Dust: Where To Find & Location

Here is how you can find Lava Dust in Slime Rancher 2.

Lava Dust is a resource that is pretty hard to find in Slime Rancher 2. Not only is the area where you get it dangerous but even getting there can be a hassle if you don’t know how. So in this guide let us quickly check where to find the Lava Dust in Slime Rancher 2 and check its location.

Where to Find the Lava Dust in Slime Rancher 2

where to find lava dust in slime rancher 2

You can find Lava Dust in this game in the Ember Valley. Here is how you can find them:

  1. Unlock the Ember Valley and go there.
  2. Here open the map and look for the area that shows fire and mountains. Start going there.
  3. Once you reach the fiery area you can start coming across the Boom Slimes, these slimes explode and deal damage to the player.
  4. Ignore and go past them and look for the ground that is spewing dark and gooey liquid with orange lava on it. Once you come across such a liquid, that means you have found the Lava Dust.
  5. Now, all you need to do is aim your Vac at the ground from towards this spewing liquid and capture it. Upgrading your Vac can help speed up the process.

In case you haven’t unlocked the Ember Valley here is how you can do that:

  • Go northwest from the Rainbow Fields.
  • Find the Pink Gordo slime.
  • Start feeding it meat or fruits and make it explode. Pink Gordo can eat anything.
  • After it bursts step on the geyser revealed in its place and wait for it to take you up.
  • Now in the new area go left and find the device that lets you bring down the wall. Interact with it and when the wall is down you can find a new platform.
  • Use it and it will take you to the Ember Valley.

That covers this guide on the location where you can find the lava dust in Slime Rancher 2. Since you are interested in this game you should also find these guides useful on where to find rock slimes, find angler slimes, and how to unlock the tank guard.