How To Fix Nikke Failed To Sync User Information Error

Here is everything you need to know about the Failed to Sync user information error message in Nikke Goddess of Victory.

Are you getting the ‘Failed to sync user information’ error every time you try to access the campaign in Goddess of Victory Nikke? Then you are not alone, many players are facing this problem. This error started occurring for some players after the update, while few were facing it even with the old versions. The issue was recognized by the developers and they have sent an in-game notice, as well as made a Twitter post about it. Read along to learn more about the issue and understand why it is happening and if you can fix it.

How to Fix Nikke Failed to Sync User Information Error

Failed to Sync User Information Nikke Goddess Of Victory

Failed to sync user information error message of Nikke Goddess of Victory has been resolved by the developers. They understood that players had difficulty dealing with the issue, so as promised, they rolled compensation after the maintenance fix. The compensations are Gems x1000, Advanced Recruit Vouchers x5, Growth Set: 24H x1, Ultra Boost Modules x80, Darling for a Day x5. Players should now download the latest update to fix the problem and get compensation.

Failed to Sync User Information Error Troubleshooting Tips

The issue should resolve after the update, but if you are still getting Failed to sync user information message, then you can try some of these listed fixes.

  • Clear Cache: Clear the cache memory, as it might be possible that they are taking up unnecessary space and overloading the application. You will find this option in the storage section of the application from mobile settings. Go to Settings, then look for the Apps or Application option. Scroll or search for the Nikke Goddess of Victory and enter the details page. There you will see the Storage or Clear Cache button. If you see Storage, then go inside it and use Clear Cache.
  • Free Up Space: Check your storage to see if there is sufficient space or not. And if there is low storage, then delete some files to make space. Low storage leads to several issues including apps getting stuck, as no new data can be stored.
  • Contact Developers: If none of the above solutions work, it is best to contact the developers and explain your problem. Most issues are addressed fast by the developers when many players complain about it. You can contact them through the in-game help section or the official site.

This is all you need to know about the failed to sync user information error message in Nikke. If you are interested in more Nikke Goddess of Victory guides, then read how to recruit Himeno and reroll guide.