
How To Equip Your Best Pets In Pet Simulator 99

Tired of manually equipping pets? Here is how to automatically equip your best pets in Pet Simulator 99.

Pets help you destroy the breakables, which gives coins, gems, wearables, and consumable items. There are over a hundred levels in the egg section that are hatched using coins and bars. The default setting allows you to equip your best pets in Pet Simulator 99 as soon as you hatch them, so if you are still using the old ones, it must be the result of setting changes. There is no need to worry, though, as here you will find out how to revert that and why we use it.

How to Equip Your Top Pets in Pet Simulator 99

Screenshot by Gamer Tweak

If you have mistakenly changed the settings and are unable to equip your best pets in Pet Sim 99, then here are the steps you need to follow:

  • Go to the main screen of the game.
  • On the bottom, you will see a Pets button; use that to open inventory.
  • Select the Pets from the left bar.
  • Besides the search, you will see three options; the middle one should be blue. When you have enabled the edit mode, it becomes blue, so tap on it, and once it becomes black, it will automatically place your best pets in the team.
  • This applies to golden pets too; every time you obtain a gold one that is more powerful than the current pets, it will take the place of the weakest.

How to Create Your Pet Team in PS99

Screenshot by Gamer Tweak

As we have explained before, you just need to go into the Pets section of the inventory and select Toggle Edit Mode, the cat icon. When it turns blue, you will get empty slots, where you can drag and place your favorite ones. Normal pets, whether rainbow or gold, only differ in appearance and power, so if you place them without considering their damage rate, it will only slow you down.

That’s all you have to do to equip your best pets in Pet Simulator 99. If this was helpful, topics like how to get Gold Bars fast and where all the Relics are will also be interesting for you.

Mansi Singh

From Kemco's Glorious Savior, Asdivine Dios, Revenant Saga to Haiku's Asylum, Murder Inn, and Time Library. Mysterious and RPGs have always been the soul of my life. Today Magic Awakened, TOTK, Asphalt Legends, SoS AWL, and Ni no Kuni have grasped me. But the future untold full of exciting stories are waiting to be explored, and I wish to live them all.

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