
Cookie Run Kingdom BTS Riddle Answer

Unable to guess the right answer? Check out our guide on what is the BTS Riddle answer in the Cookie Run Kingdom.

With the sweet collaboration of Cookie Run Kingdom and BTS Boy Band, players are in for a real treat. Just like most special events, you can answer the emoji puzzle to get plentiful rewards. Aside from the rewards of this riddle quiz, you also have a chance to get some exclusive items. But several players are unable to guess the right answer to this riddle. Not to worry, check out our guide to find out the Cookie Run Kingdom BTS Riddle answer along with its rewards.

What is the Cookie Run Kingdom Riddle Answer (BTS)

The answer to the BTS Cookie Run Kingdom riddle is “MAYYOUBEALITTLEHAPPIERINOURKINGDOMTOGETHER“. It is a long string of text that reads May you be a little happier in our kingdom together. Quite obviously, this is a message from the devs and BTS Boy Band for all CRK players.

If you are confused about entering and redeeming this riddle code, scroll till the end to find out.

How to Enter BTS x CRK Riddle Code

Unlike usual CRK Codes, you have to enter the above-mentioned riddle answer in the app. You can claim the rewards on PC or Mobile. Follow the below steps:

  • You can find the Event option to the left of the screen below the Shop option.
  • Hit the Events button to see all the events in the Cookie Run Kingdom.
  • Select the Riddle Kingdom tile on the left pane.

  • Now, type the riddle answer on the text field and hit Enter to claim the rewards.
  • Once you have redeemed the riddle answer code, you can get several rewards.

BTS x Kingdom Riddle Answer Rewards

You get 3000 Crystals and 1000 Army Bombs as a reward for entering the riddle answer code. But you can get more rewards if more people enter this code. Here are all the rewards you can get for an increased number of players:

  • One Million Players: Everyone gets additional 1000 Crystals and 1000 Army Bombs.
  • Two Million Players: Everyone gets additional 2000 Crystals and 2000 Army Bombs.
  • Three Million Players: Everyone gets additional 3000 Crystals, 3000 Army Bombs, and a chest with 5 BTS Soul Stones.

Furthermore, this collaboration also included a chance to grab and win the exclusive BTS x Cookie Run Kingdom Art Book. Similar to the riddle rewards, you get more Artbooks if the number of players increases. But the Artbook Raffle has expired on December 31, 2022. So, players won’t be able to enter the raffle to get the exclusive Artbooks.

Nevertheless, you can redeem the above riddle quiz rewards before it expires. The BTS Crossover event will end on January 19th, 2023. So, hurry up to claim the rewards.

That’s everything covered about the Cookie Run Kingdom BTS riddle answer. If you liked this guide, check out our guides on the best Pumpkin Pie cookie toppings, how to beat Raspberry, how to unlock and equip house skins, and more Cookie Run Kingdom Guides right here on Gamer Tweak.

Shubham Nema

Hi! I am a Writer/Blogger/Cinephile/Quantum Physicist. The last one is not true but the rest of them sure are (I swear on Albert Einstein's theory of relativity).

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