Genshin Impact

How To Complete Genshin Impact Nameless Treasure Secret Quest Easily

If you wish to get some extra rewards in Genshin Impact, you can complete a secret Nameless Treasure quest. Here's how you can easily complete the Genshin Impact Nameless Treasure secret quest in the game.

Genshin Impact is full of quests. But apart from the main storyline quests, the game also has some secret quests hidden for players to get extra rewards. Today we will discuss one such quest in Genshin Impact named “Nameless Treasure Secret Quest.”

The quest requires players to find three nameless treasures and sell it to an NPC in the Liyue region. You will acquire the nameless treasures while completing other tasks and quests in the game. However, Genshin Impact gives nothing about where to sell them, that’s where we want to come into the picture and guide you through the entire process. So without any further delay let’s begin our “how to complete Genshin Impact Nameless Treasure secret quest”.

Genshin Impact: How to Complete the Nameless Treasure Secret Quest

This secret quest has no path to follow. You can acquire the treasures in any order. The three locations where you will find the treasures are Duntu Ruins, Lingju Pass, and Qingxu Pool.

Where to Find Nameless Treasure at Dunyu Ruins

The first treasure location is at Dunyu Ruins, a kind of ruined island in the center of a lake. This is also the place where you will find one of the Agents that drops Hunter’s Sacrificial Knife. The ruin is similar to what you would have seen while finding Vermeer’s paintbrushes.

Light four torches and get past a geo switch in the area. Next, find three spirits in the nearby area and guide them to the Nameless Treasure to unlock the barrier.

Where to Find Nameless Treasure at Lingju Pass

The next Genshin Impact Nameless Treasure secret quest location is at Lingju Pass. You will get this treasure while completing And This Treasure Goes To quest. You need to rescue a caged woman in the quest who will guide you to the location of a buried treasure. That’s the secret Nameless Treasure you need to collect.

Where to Find The Nameless Treasure at Qingxu Pool

You will find five towers at Qingxu Pool. On the top of one of the towers will be a stone guiding you to hit five geo switches. All you need to do is hit the switches one by one. A chest with the secret Nameless Treasure will appear after hitting the last switch.

Where to Sell the Secret Nameless Treasures

Once you have all the three secret Nameless Treasure you need to sell it to the NPC Linglang. Head to the Liyue Harbor and find the antique souvenir shop. The NPC is only available when it is past 9:00 PM in the game. Hence, ensure to visit the place during the night time. You can sell either one, two, or all of the treasures. But be mindful that selling all at once will get you extra rewards. You will get XP, Primogems, Gold, and some other rewards for selling the treasures.

That’s how you complete the Genshin Impact Nameless Treasure secret quest. But this is not the only quest you need to focus on. In fact, it is just a small secret quest that will give you a few rewards. If you want to get some bigger and much better rewards, you will have to complete some mainline story quests. You can take help from our guides to quickly complete those time-consuming and difficult quests. You can begin with the Question And Answer Quest guide and Lingering Malady quest in Genshin Impact.

For more updates, latest tips and tricks check our Genshin Impact Wiki Guide.


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