Goose Goose Duck: How To Change Color Of Your Goose (Customization Guide)

Here is how you can change the color of your Goose or Duck in Goose Goose Duck.

Like most games in this genre, Goose Goose Duck allows you to change the color of your character. For a multiplayer game, this is a basic and much-needed feature. But the way you achieve it isn’t exactly easy and confuses a lot of players. So in this guide check out how to customize and change your color in Goose Goose Duck.

How to Change Color in Goose Goose Duck

customize and change color in goose goose duck

You can change the color of your Goose in this game by finding and interacting with the object that lets you change it. This object can be anything a wardrobe, a treasure chest, or others. Each one of them is different based on the map you are playing on. Aside from that you can also change it from the Customize tab. Here is how both methods of changing the color of your Goose work in this game:

Using Customization to Change Color in GGD

change color using collections customize in ggd

  1. Open Goose Goose Duck.
  2. From the main menu, go to Collections.
  3. You will be on the Customize tab.
  4. Click on the Brush icon near the Goose. This will bring various color options.
  5. Select the color that you want for your character and it will change to it.

Do remember there is no guarantee that you will get your favorite color each time. Based on the lobby you are in you might get another random color and will have to change it again in the map.

Also Read | How to Customize and Use Fart in GGD

Using Map Object to Change Color

  • Mallard Manor: You can change color using the Wardrobe outside the Sun Room on the right.
    change color using map ggd
  • Goosechapel: You can change color using the Treasure Chest on the top left side. Do this before the match starts.

I will add more objects from the different maps as I find them.

That covers this guide on how to customize and change your color in Goose Goose Duck. For more help on other such topics of this game check out our guides on how to check server status, all GGD codes, and how to add and play with friends.