How To Change Clothes In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl

Learn how to change Clothes in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl from this guide.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl was released recently as of the time of this article and has been pretty amazing so far. Its amazing graphics and Chibi looks make it appealing to various audiences. Speaking of amazing looks, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl allow players to customize their character’s outfits. Yes, in the game you can change your character’s clothes. So, in today’s article, I will show you how to change clothes in Pokemon BDSP.

How to Change Clothes in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

change clothes in pokemon bdsp

Changing clothes in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Pokemon Shining Pearl is pretty simple. The first you must do is to reach Veilstone City. Veilstone City is at the northeast most section of the main island just below the second island in Pokemon BDSP. Once you reach there, locate the Pokemon Center. Now that you have reached the PC, you will have to find the Metronome Style Shop. To get to the Metronome Style Shop you will need to follow these steps:

  • Get down the stairs from the Pokemon Center and go right.
  • From there go down and take the left.
  • Once you have taken the left climb the second staircase above your character.
  • If followed correctly, you will reach the Metronome Style Shop.

Once you have entered the shop, talk to the Vendor (NPC) behind the shop counter. Now you will be given three options, “I’d like to shop”, “Change my style”, and “Nothing”. If you had pre-ordered the game, you will have received the Platinum Style Outfit. If you want to change clothes in Pokemon BDSP to that outfit then select “Change my style“. Once you are on the menu select the clothing style.

How To buy Clothes in Platinum BDSP

If you don’t have any clothing outfits then select the “I’d like to shop” from the 3 options discussed above. From there you will see a list of Outfit Styles. Select the one you like and purchase it. Here are the available clothing outfits you can buy:

  • Pikachu Hoodie Style– 8,500 PD
  • Overalls Style– 21,000 PD
  • Eevee Jacket Style– 98,000 PD
  • Gengar Jacket Style– 98,000 PD
  • Cyber Style– 45,000 PD
  • Winter Style– 50,000 PD
  • Spring Style– 34,000 PD
  • Casual Style– 86,000 PD
  • Leather Jacket Style- 120,000 PD

PD being Pokemon Dollar. As you can see, these clothing outfits are pretty expensive so spend your PDs wisely. This was all about Changing Clothes in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Hopefully, this guide was helpful for you. You can also check our guides on Friendship Checker Not Working and Best Exclusive Pokemon Tier List in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl