Tower Of Fantasy: Where To Get Caterpillar Fungus

Check out this guide to know everything about the Caterpillar Fungus in Tower of Fantasy.

Tower of Fantasy is an action and adventure MMORPG game similar to Genshin Impact with a huge explorable open-world map. The map of Aesperia holds a great amount of hidden loot and collectibles that need to be found by exploration. These scattered items can be used for the redemption of rewards. However, some of these collectibles are used for consumption to regenerate Health and Satiety. But, finding such consumables is a bit hassle as their location is not marked on the map. A Caterpillar Fungus is one such consumable in Tower of Fantasy. Here’s our guide that features the steps to find get and get it in the game.

Where to Get Caterpillar Fungus in Tower of Fantasy (Locations)

Where to get Caterpillar Fungus in Tower of Fantasy

It is possible to consume the Caterpillar Fungus in its raw form or by making dishes out of it. Also, these consumables are used as an ingredient while cooking certain dishes. Although, it is possible to find the Caterpillar Fungus in the following locations:

  • It can be found in the Warren Snowfield Region on Aesperia map.
  • A majority of these are found near the area surrounding the Aarniel Fortress.
  • A decent amount of Caterpillar Fungus is also found near the Southern Naa Fjords and Saag Passage.
  • It is possible to track this consumable between Warren Omnium Tower and Warren Shelter.
  • These locations are the hotspots where you can find the Caterpillar Fungus in abundance.

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What to do With Caterpillar Fungus in ToF (Uses)

Where to get Caterpillar Fungus in Tower of Fantasy

Cooking dishes requires recipes that need to be unlocked. However, some of these recipes are unlocked from the beginning. Also, these consumables act as an ingredient while cooking the dishes in a Cooking Station. A Caterpillar Fungus is used to make Caterpillar Fungus Noodles. 1x Caterpillar Fungus and 3x Brown Rice when cooked together make Caterpillar Fungus Noodles. It regenerates Satiety by 20 points. Moreover, it regains health by 60,000 and an additional 20% points.

That’s everything you should know about the Caterpillar Fungus in Tower of Fantasy. If you liked this article, then make sure to check out our other ToF guides on finding Potatoes and Strawberries.