Can You Use A Controller While Playing Escape From Tarkov?

Does Escape From Tarkov support controller use? Do you want to play Escape From Tarkov with controllers? Check here how to do it

Controller support in Escape From Tarkov will give players a much-needed aim assist feature and introduce a different approach to the game. If you’re wondering about whether or not Escape From Tarkov supports controller support and want to know a definitive answer, check this guide out.

Does Escape From Tarkov Have Controller Support?

No, Escape From Tarkov does not have controller support because of the button mapping and layout of the game. There are tons of functions in the game which can be a bit difficult to pull off on a controller. Moreover, the game is only available on PC and not on consoles.

controller support escape from tarkov

If you’re wishing to play Escape From Tarkov on a controller, you might have to wait a long time as the developers have not as of yet said anything about adding support for the game and even if they do, mapping all the controls will prove to be a difficult task.

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Escape From Tarkov is best experienced on a PC with a keyboard and mouse support, this ensures that you get all the control of the game without the game having to help you additionally with exploring all the options that the game delivers.

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Escape From Tarkov is a brutal experience and having aim assist or anything else that messes up with the players having total control would ruin the experience of the game. This is one of the reasons why having controller support would be not likely in the future plans of the game.

This is all there is to know about Escape From Tarkov having controller support, while you’re here make sure to check out Escape From Tarkov Error 213  right here on Gamer Tweak.