Can You Block Someone In Monopoly Go?

Do you want to block someone in Monopoly Go, but have no idea if it’s even possible or not? If you do, then keep reading this guide, as we have explained everything we know about the block system of the game. In Monopoly Go, you can become friends with players from anywhere in the world. And you need friends for several activities including x50 Community Chest. You can even trade Stickers with them to complete the Album on time.

So in the beginning you might have accepted the request of other new players or someone you got to know while trading. And now they are being rude to you, so you don’t want them on your friend list. There are also those players who violate the game’s Terms of Service, and you want to report them for it while blocking them. So we have also explained how you can do that.

How to Block Someone in Monopoly Go?

How to Block Someone in Monopoly Go
Image Credit: Monopoly Go Facebook

As of now, there are no methods for blocking other players in Monopoly Go. What you can do for now is remove them from your friend list and report those who have violated Monopoly Go Terms of Service. If the system is added in the future, we will update the guide, so bookmark it with Ctrl+D.

Alternatives to Blocking in Monopoly Go

To remove friends you can simply use the Remove button beside their name in the Friends and Family section of the game. If you are looking for detailed steps, refer to our How to Remove Friends guide.

Talking about how to report someone. Before reporting, first check the Restrictions section of Monopoly Go Terms of Service. If another player has violated it, go to Settings, select Support/Legal, and use Customer Service to report them. If you are finding it hard to chat with customer support, check out this Customer Support guide and contact them.

That’s all on how to block someone in Monopoly Go and alternate solutions for it. Monopoly Go is one of the most popular mobile games of now, as there are tons of things to do in it. So if you have just started the game, you will benefit from our Monopoly Go guides. There we have covered topics like how to send Stars.