Video Game Guides

How To Beat Nikki Gutte In Dead Island 2?

Nikki is the first screamer in the game who emits sonic waves that can slow you down. Also, she can summon more zombies in the fight. Here are some quick strategies to beat Nikki Gutte in Dead Island 2.

Nikki Gutte is a Screamer in Dead Island 2 who attacks with Sonic Waves. If you are in the range of Nikki’s attack she will knock you down over and over again. Also, her Scream will alert and call nearby zombies. This makes the boss fight tougher, but not to worry. There are some easy tricks to defeat Nikki Gutte In Dead Island 2.  This fight is like a landmark because just like the previous two bosses, it unlocks a new enemy type for you to encounter. It can be long and difficult for many players but it’s very rewarding because it unlocks your first gun.

How to Defeat Nikki Gutte in Dead Island 2

Nikki Gutte is a screamer zombie, so interrupting her scream is important to beat her. And you can do that by using a Curveball item or by attacking her. The catch is with her screeches, she summons new zombies and aggravates them. Even clearing them out is not of much help because she will just call for backup. So instead of attacking her head-on, you should use this strategy for the fight:

  1. Start the fight by rushing toward her and using your Curveball item. This will interrupt Nikki.
  2. The horde of zombies will rush toward you and try to attack you.
  3. Kill half of them, while running around. Make sure you don’t stay in one place during this fight because the mob of zombies can surround you.
  4. Running around is also useful to separate part of the crowd from Nikki to create an opening for you.
  5. Now, rush and attack her. She will again scream to replace the zombies you killed.
  6. You can try going behind her to avoid getting caught in her scream. Her screech pushes you back while also slowing you down, making it harder to approach her. So make sure you always pick the fight when you have your Curveball item ready.
  7. Once you are behind her spam your attacks. She isn’t as slow as Alesis, but you can still land a hit or two.
  8. When she is not screaming, she will try to attack by swiping at you. So dodge her slash attacks and then counter her by attacking with one of your weapons
  9. Repeat the above steps until she is dead. After the fight is over all that is left is to kill the remaining zombies that she spawned.

Nikki Gutte Boss Fight Tips

  • Curveball items are important. For this fight, I suggest you use Shuriken or Electric Stars and Meat Bait as your two Curveball items. Shuriken and Electric Stars are good for throwing at Nikki from a distance. While meat bait is to distract the zombies so that you can fight Nikki.
  • Keep your HP high as much as possible. This fight can get over very easily if you get cornered & attacked by multiple enemies and have no place to run. So make sure you heal yourself whenever you get the chance. You can also wait for auto heal and then based on your skill cards regain HP by using your abilities.

I suggest you also check out our video to see how we fought it.

That is all you needed to do to beat Nikki Gutte in Dead Island 2, you can finally meet Sam B and claim your first gun as the reward for this fight. Make sure you use a workbench and repair your weapons after the fight the first chance you get. This is because the game is yet to throw more boss fights at you like Dillon, Butcho the Clown, and more.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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