If you’re dicey, about which champions you should choose in the League of Legends (LoL) Arena mode, then here’s our tier list. As your team of two will be competing against the other 3 teams of two (2v2v2v2), it’s vital to only pick the OP characters. Or else you might lose & end up in the bottom two teams which will surely deduct points and affect your ranks. So if you really want to climb up the rank ladder and become a Gladiator, then make sure you and your teammate choose the right synergy Champions. And as there are more than 150 of them, selecting the perfect one might get tricky. So to help you with it, below we have ranked all the LoL Champions from best to worst for the Arena Mode.
LoL Arena Champions Tier List – Ranked from Best to Worst
Here’s the League of Legends (LoL) Arena Tier list so you can choose the best Champion for your team. Before moving further, do note that the rankings below are purely subjective.
S Tier
This tier consists of all Over Powered Champions that you can choose, without any hesitation.
- Tryndamere
- Naafiri
- Aatrox
- Kayn
- Vi
- Taric
- Lee Sin
- K’Sante
- Gwen
- Gragas
- Sett
- Neeko
- Amumu
- Poppy
- Camille
- Alistar
- Dr. Mundo
- Mordekaiser
- Zeri
- Milio
- Maokai
- Wukong
- Fiora
- Twitch
- Master Yi
- Kindred
- Viktor
- Lulu
- Vayne
A Tier
Here are all the Good characters which are also recommended for you to go with.
- Darius
- Shaco
- Zed
- Yorick
- Bel’Veth
- Vladimir
- Pyke
- Zac
- Olaf
- Kennen
- Viego
- Yone
- Garen
- Evelynn
- Xayah
- Lissandra
- Volibear
- Lillia
- Viegar
- Udyr
- Jax
- Twisted Fate
- Riven
- Sylas
- Samira
- Rumble
- Rengar
- Renekton
- Pantheon
- Azir
- Nocturne
- Nautilus
- Morgana
- Malphite
- Ivern
- Lucian
- Qiyana
- Cassiopeia
- Kassadin
- Nilah
- Ekko
- Skarner
- Teemo
- Zilean
- Quinn
- Kai’Sa
- Heimerdinger
- Annie
- Varus
- Ashe
B Tier
This tier list consists of all Average Champions to use in LoL Arena.
- Fizz
- Yasuo
- Lux
- Caitlyn
- Urgot
- Blitzcrank
- Miss Fortune
- Kalista
- Nasus
- Rek’Sai
- Trundle
- Illaoi
- Karma
- Kled
- Akshan
- Seraphine
- Tristana
- Xin Zhao
- Talon
- Thresh
- Warwick
- Swain
- Graves
- Shyvana
- Poppy
- Katarina
- Rakan
- Akali
- Irelia
- Zyra
- Ornn
- Sejuani
- LeBlanc
- Jarvan
- Sion
- Hecarim
- Syndra
- Singed
- Rell
- Leona
- Anivia
- Kha’Zix
- Jinx
- Fiddlesticks
- Janna
- Jhin
- Vel’Koz
- Ahri
- Sivir
- Ezreal
- Orianna
C Tier
These are the characters that are not that good to be used in the Arena battle.
- Braum
- Galio
- Aurelion Sol
- Brand
- Jayce
- Diana
- Nunu
- Tahm Kench
- Bard
- Shen
- Rammus
- Senna
- Malzahar
- Zoe
- Vex
- Taliyah
- Soraka
- Nami
- Gnar
- Renata Glasc
- Elise
- Sona
- Ryze
- Ziggs
- Draven
- Aphelios
- Kayle
D Tier
Champions falling in this tier should be avoided to be picked in the game.
- Yuumi
- Cho’Gath
- Corki
- Xerath
- Gangplank
- Nidalee
- Karthus
- Kog’Maw
These rankings are based on the Champions’ performance in the Arena Battles. For your convenience, we will keep updating the rankings if there are any changes.
That’s everything you need to know about the Best Champions Tier List for League of Legends (LoL) Arena mode. If you’re running low on Prestige Points then check out how you can get it in the game. Also, take a look at the list of new Skins released this year.