Starfield Almagest Jackpot Code Combination

Here is the Jackpot Combination that you can use at the Almagest Backend in Starfield.

In Starfield, you can use the Almagest Jackpot Combination to get some free Credits. As there are several planets in this game for you to explore, there are different space stations that you will come across. This particular station can be found on Olympus. This place originally used to be a casino, but isn’t as lively as it used to be. So if you are in the vicinity or you don’t mind fighting some Spacers for a handful of loot. Here is the code that you have to use.

Starfield Almagest Jackpot Code Combination

Starfield Almagest Jackpot Backend Combination

The Combination Code that you need to enter in Almagest Jackpot Backend is 12, 19, 36, and 5.

  1. Open the Star map and go to Olympus.
  2. You can find Almagest to the left of Nesoi.
  3. Go to the space station and dock your spaceship there.
    1. You can directly enter the above code, but if you are looking to find it then go to the Manager’s computer.
    2. Here, open the Jackpot Combination to get the Winning Numbers. These numbers are your code.
  4. Go to the floor where the bar is.
  5. On the left, you should find a giant golden vault door.
  6. Use the small entrance on the bottom right side of the vault.
  7. Next, go up and left.
  8. Here you can find the Jackpot Backend.
  9. Use it and then select the above four numbers as the code.

Click on Payout Winnings and you will get 3700 Credits. In the same room, you can also find some Mech components and Contraband Cache. Make sure to take the mech components, as for Contraband, only take it if you have shielded cargo hold on your ship. This allows you to easily smuggle contraband.

That’s it for the Almagest Jackpot Combination code and how to use it. While you are here I suggest you check out our guides on all trade authority locations, the best ship to buy, and how to make money fast. As for more help on other topics for this game be sure to check out our Starfield section.