With the wide possibilities of mech customization and builds, you might want all the Armored Core 6 parts. As you buy and unlock more parts, the more builds you can customize with your Mechs. Since you can also sell these parts, you don’t want to miss out on any chance of making an overpowered build. Once you grab all the parts, you also earn various achievements and trophies depending on the type of parts. You can get these parts as Mission rewards, or loghunts, or buy them from the in-game Shops for COAM. Being divided into different subtypes, these parts differ in stats for your Armored Core mechs. So, check out our guide to find out a list of all the parts in AC6 Fires of Rubicon.
All Parts in Armored Core 6
Below are all the Armored Core 6 parts for Mech customization and builds:
Arm Units (Right & Left)
- 44-141 JVLN Alpha Detonating Bazooka
- DF-BA-06 Xuan-Ge Bazooka
- DF-GA-08 HU-BEN Gatling Gun
- DF-GR-07 GOU-CHEN Grenade Launcher
- DF-MG-02 Chang-Chen Machine Gun
- Dizzy Grenade Launcher
- EL-PW-00 Viento Needle Gun
- HG-003 Coquillett Handgun
- HG-004 Duckett Handgun
- HI-16: GU-Q1 Pulse Gun
- HI-18 GU-A2 Pulse Gun
- HML-G2/P19MLT -04 Missile Launcher
- HML-G3/P08SPL-06 Split Missile Launcher
- IA-C01W6: NB-REDSHIFT Coral Rifle
- IB-C03W1: WLT 011 Coral Rifle
- Iridium Grenade Launcher
- Little Gem Bazooka
- LR-036 Curtis Linear Rifle
- LR-037 Harris Linear Rifle
- MA-E-210 Etsujin Burst Machine Gun
- MA-E-211 Sampu Burst Handgun
- MA-J-200 Ransetsu-RF Burst Rifle
- MA-J-201 Ransetsu-AR Burst Assault Rifle
- Majestic Bazooka
- MA-T-222 Kyorai Napalm Bomb Launcher
- MA-T-223 Kyoriku Jamming Bomb Launcher
- MG-014 Ludlow Machine Gun
- RF-024 Turner Assault Rifle
- RF-025 Scudder Assault Rifle
- SG-026 Haldeman Shotgun
- SG-027 Zimmerman Shotgun
- VE-66LRA Laser Rifle
- VE-66LRB Laser Rifle
- VP-66EG Stun Gun
- VP-66LH Laser Handgun
- VP-66LR Laser Rifle
- VP-66LS Laser Shotgun
- VVC-760PR Plasma Rifle
- WB-0000 Bad Cook Flamethrower
- WR-0777 Sweet Sixteen Shotgun
- WS-1200 Therapist Stun Bomb Launcher
- WS-5000 Aperitif Siege Missile Launcher
- Wuerger/66E Laser Shotgun
Left Arm
- DF-ET-09 Tai-Yang-Shou Explosive Thrower
- 44-143 HMMR Plasma Thrower
- HI-32: BU- TT/A Pulse Blade
- PB-033M Ashmead Pile Bunker
- VE-67LA Laser Lance
- VP-67EB Stun Baton
- VP-67LD Laser Dagger
- VVC-74LS
- VVC-770LB Laser Blade
Back Arm Units (Right and Left)
- 45-091 JVLN BETA Detonating Missile Launcher
- 45-091 ORBT Laser Orbit
- B0-044 Huxley Bullet Orbit
- BML-G1/P01VTC-04 Vertical Missile Launcher
- BML-G1/P07VTC-12 Vertical Missile Launcher
- BML-G1/P20MLT-04 Missile Launcher
- BML-G1/P29CNT Container Missile Launcher
- BML-G1/P31Duo-02 Dual Missile Launcher
- BML-G1/P32Duo-03 Dual Missile Launcher
- BML-G2/P03MLT-06 Missile Launcher
- BML-G2/P05MLT-10 Missile Launcher
- BML-G2/P08Duo-03 Dual Missile Launcher
- BML-G2/P16SPL-08 Split Missile Launcher
- BML-G2/P17SPL-16 Split Missile Launcher
- BML-G2/P19SPL-12 Split Missile Launcher
- BML-G3 P05ACT-02 Active Homing Missile Launcher
- BML-G3/P04ACT-01 Active Homing Missile Launcher
- Earshot Grenade Cannon
- EL-PW-01 Trueno Needle Missile Launcher
- EULE/60D Pulse Shield Launcher
- FASAN/60E Plasma Cannon
- IB-C03W3: NGI 006 Coral Missile Launcher
- SB-033M Morley Spread Bazooka
- Songbirds Grenade Cannon
- VE-60LCA Laser Cannon
- VE-60SNA Stun Needle Launcher
- VP-60LCD Diffuse Laser Cannon
- VP-60LCS Laser Cannon
- VP-60LT Laser Turret
- VVC-700LD Laser Drone
- VVC-703PM Plasma Missile Launcher
- VVC-706PM Plasma Missile Launcher
- VVC-70VPM Plasma Missile Launcher
- WR-0999 Delivery Boy Cluster Missile Launcher
- WS-5001 Soup Scatter Missile Launcher
Left Units
- IB-C03W4: NGI 028 Coral Shield
- S1-27: SU-R8 Pulse Shield
- SI-24: SU-Q5 Pulse Shield
- SI-29: SUTT/C Pulse Buckler
- VE-61PSA Pulse Scutum
- VP-61PB Pulse Buckler
- VP-61PS Pulse Shield
Head Parts
- 20-081 Mind Alpha
- AH-J-124 Basho
- AH-J-124/RC Jailbreak
- DF-HD-08 Tian-Qiang
- EL-TH-10 Firmeza
- HC-2000 Finder Eye
- HC-2000/BC Shade Eye
- HD-011 Melander
- HD-012 Melander C3
- HD-033M Verrill
- HS-5000 Appetizer
- IA-C01H: Ephemera
- IB-C03H: HAL 826
- Kasuar/44Z
- Nachtreiher/44E
- VE-44A
- VE-44B
- VP-44D
- VP-44S
Core Parts
- 07-061 Mind Alpha
- AC-J-120 Basho
- AC-J-120/RC Jailbreak
- BD-011 Melander
- BD-012 Melander C3
- CC-2000 Orbiter
- CS-5000 Main Dish
- DF-BD-08 Tian-Qiang
- El-TC-10 Firmeza
- IB-C03C: HAL 826
- Nachtreiher/40E
- VE-40A
- VP-40S
Arms Parts
- 04-101 Mind Alpha
- AA-J-123 Basho
- AA-J-123/RC Jailbreak
- AC-2000 Tool Arm
- AR-011 Melander
- AR-012 Melander C3
- AS-5000 Salad
- DF-AR-08 Tian-Qiang
- DF-AR-09 Tian-Lao
- EL-TA-10 Firmeza
- IA-C01A: Ephemera
- IB-C03A: HAL 826
- Nachtreiher/46E
- VE-46A
- VP-46D
- VP-46S
Legs Parts (Bi-pedal)
- 06-041 MIND Alpha
- 06-043 MIND Beta
- 2C-2000 Crawler
- 2S-5000 Dessert
- AL-J-120/RC Jailbreak
- AL-J-121 Basho
- DF-LG-08 Tian-Qiang
- EL-TL-10 Firmeza
- EL-TL-11 Fortaleza
- IA-C01L: Ephemera
- IB-C03L: HAL 826
- Kasuar/42Z
- LG-011 Melander
- LG-012 Melander C3
- LG-022T Bornemissza
- LG-033M Verrill
- Nachtreiher/42E
- RC-2000 Spring Chicken
- VE-42A
- VE-42B
- VP-422
- VP-424
Generator Parts
- AB-J-137 Kikaku
- Alula/21E
- Buerzel/21D
- BC-0200 Gridwalker
- BC-0400 Mule
- Fluegel/21Z
- BST-G1/P10
- BST-G2/P04
- IA-C01B: Gills
Booster Parts
- AB-J-137 Kikaku
- Alula/21E
- BC-0200 Gridwalker
- BC-0400 Mule
- BST-G1/P10
- BST-G2/P04
- Buerzel/21D
- Fluegel/21Z
- IA-C01B: Gills
FCS Parts
- FCS-006 Abbot
- FCS-008 Talbot
- FCS-G1/P01
- FCS-G2/P05
- VE-21A
- VE-21B
If you want to unlock more Armored Core 6 parts, check out our guide for more insight over here. But for those players falling short of the COAM, check out our guide on how to get COAM fast. Also, don’t miss out on unlocking the hidden parts and their locations for more customization.
That’s everything about all the Armored Core 6 parts. If you liked this guide, check out our more guides to find out how to input Share ID codes, how to get all endings, and more AC6 Fires of Rubicon Guides right here on Gamer Tweak.