How To Farm & Craft Wool Thread In V Rising

Here's everything you need to farm & craft Wool Thread in V Rising

As a weakened Vampire who just woke up from a deep sleep it is important to gather a lot of resources which help you progress in the game. Wool Thread is a relatively easy resource to get in V Rising and comes of use in a number of items. There are a few location to farm it or you can just craft it. So if you are wondering how to farm & craft Wool Thread in V Rising, we have got you covered.

How to Farm & Craft Wool Thread in V Rising

Wool Thread Farming Location V Rising

Wool Thread can be farmed from a number of locations in the Dunley Farmlands. You can raid a number of troop camps, break boxes, kill farmers and loot houses in the region. The in-game map displays the locations where you can farm it. If you are not playing the PVE mode you might get it off an enemy you beat.

At the beginning, farming Wool Thread from Dunley Farmlands will be easy since it is found in abundance. As you progress further you will need to find the recipe and craft it. If you notice Wool Thread has a few similar uses to Cotton Yard or Cloth and both are found in similar region.

Wool Thread has a number of uses like upgrading cloth and repairing and crafting items like the Imperial Thread, Hollowfang Vestment and Armor set like Hallowfang Battlegear.

Meredith Boss Location V Rising

Once you defeat the Level 52 V-Blood Boss Meredith the Bright Archer you will unlock the recipe to make Wool Thread. You can find Meredith in and around the area of Haunted Iron Mine in Dunley Farmlands.

The recipe to make Wool Thread requires getting these materials –

That’s all you need to farm & craft Wool Thread in V Rising. While you are here, don’t miss out on other guides, tips and tricks on V Rising with Gamer Tweak.