How To Unlock Sozo Follower In Cult Of The Lamb

Unlock the new follower form Sozo in the Cult of the Lamb as part of the Sins of the Flesh.

Sins of the Flesh, the free major content update for the Cult of Lamb, has introduced a bunch of new features, rituals, buildings, and much more. One of the best things it brought was an extension to the Sozo’s questline. If losing this menticide mad friend to complete the task was not something you wished for, then now you have a chance.

The update not only allows you to revive Sozo but also lets you recruit him as your follower. Not sure how you can do all that? No need to worry, as here is all you need to know.

How to Get Sozo Follower Form in Cult of the Lamb Sins of the Flesh

How to Get Sozo Follower Form in Cult of the Lamb Sins of the Flesh
Image Credit: Wasting on YouTube

To get this new follower form, Sozo first needs to die. Only after reviving him can you get it. If you haven’t yet finished the ‘Seeking Sozo‘ questline before the Sins of the Flesh update, you must do that first.

  • You obtain the quest at Anura from a Mushroom Follower. Once you visit the Spore Grotto, go to the Skull House in the back.
  • Meet Sozo and fulfill his request of 10 Menticide Mushrooms and 20 Mushrooms.
  • Next, he will ask you to build a Mushroom Sculpture. It costs 20 Gold Bars and 35 Menticide Mushrooms.
  • After building the sculpture, inform him about it and return to the base. The next day when you visit him, you will find his corpse.
  • Retrieve the mushroom from his head.
  • Take it with you to the base and plant the mushroom.
  • Water it and use the ritual or rainbow poop to speed up the process. You can simply wait a few days for the mushroom to grow as well.
  • Once it has grown, you will see Pick Mysterious Mushroom. Use that and meet your new friend.
  • Make him your follower by gifting 5 Menticide Mushrooms.

With this, you can now complete the quest to unlock the Sozo follower form in Cult of the Lamb Sins of the Flesh. Since you are playing this game, ways to revive your followers and level them up should interest you.