How To Unlock Pathfinder Class In For The King 2

Check out this guide to know how you can unlock the Pathfinder Class in For The King 2.

For The King 2 allows players to choose from 5 different classes at the start of their campaign against the mad queen. However, there are a few more that you can unlock by completing different events, adventure challenges, etc as you progress in the lands of Fahrul. One of them includes the Pathfinder which might be one of the best support classes while dealing with dungeons, swarms of enemies, etc.

With its special abilities, the Pathfinder can scout and reveal the content of the next dungeon room in For The King 2. Another reason to unlock the wanderer class is because of its ability to discover points of interest faster which might help you come across different landmarks and resources in Fahrul. So if you are looking to add the support class to your party, then here is everything you need to know about unlocking the class in the game.

How to Unlock the Pathfinder Class in For The King 2

How To Unlock Pathfinder Class In For The King 2
Image Source: Genuine on YouTube

To unlock the Pathfinder Class in For The King 2, players will have to complete The Resistance in the campaign. Having said that, it is worth beating the chapter along with the Rush the Clock adventure challenge to unlock both the Pathfinder and the Farmer classes in the game. Players will have to complete the adventure in 50 rounds or less to finish the Rush the Clock challenge.

As mentioned before, the class has two special abilities namely Survey and Scout which will help you go further through the lands. Each of its abilities lets you discover resources and landmarks that are essential for your campaign. It especially excels while clearing out dungeons as it will help you reveal the party in the next door and you can set up your characters accordingly. With the Cracked Rang at the Pathfinder’s disposal, you can easily deal damage to one entire row of enemies during combat in For The King 2.

That’s everything covered on how to unlock Pathfinder in For The King 2. If you find this guide helpful, check out how to heal and revive in For The King 2, right here on Gamer Tweak.