Video Game Guides

How To Unlock The Farmer Class In For The King 2

Here is how you can unlock the Farmer Class in For The King 2.

For players looking for a high-durability class that deals extensive damage during combat, the Farmer Class in For the King 2 is the perfect fit. There are a ton of different classes that players will have to unlock on their playthrough to build the best party against the tyrannical Queen of Fahrul.

The Farmer class while dealing extensive damage also provides support with its special abilities in the game. However, it is not one of the classes that are already unlocked for players from the beginning of their campaign just like Pathfinder, Alchemist, etc. Having said that, you might find unlocking slightly harder in the game. With that out of the way, if you want to add the class to your party, here is everything you need to know about unlocking it in For The King 2.

How to Unlock the Farmer Class in For The King 2

Image Source: Genuine on YouTube

Players can unlock the Farmer Class by completing The Resistance chapter in their campaign in For The King 2. Along with beating the chapter, we would recommend you complete the adventure challenge Rush the Clock in the game. This will make sure that you will get the high durability class at your disposal.

To complete the challenge, you will need to finish the chapter within 50 rounds or less in the game. It might be tricky at the start but with the right party and combat knowledge, it will get easy as you progress through the campaign.

The Farmer class has the special ability Build Scarecrow which allows the character to create and place a scarecrow in one of the front combat tiles. It comes in handy to tank damages from the enemies and it also provides a certain protection for the characters behind. The scarecrow takes +1 damage each turn and after getting hit by enemy attacks. Along with the special ability, the Farmer’s Pitchfork even at the start deals extensive damage to the enemies around in For The King 2.

That’s everything covered on how to unlock the Farmer in For The King 2. If you find this guide useful, check out our other guide on how to heal and revive in For the King 2, right here on Gamer Tweak.

Om More

Om has mastered his character development through every Assassin's Creed game. From dying mercilessly in boss battles to comically failing stealth attempts, he has seen it all. You can spot him finding solace in watching Kitchen Nightmares during breaks.

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