How To Switch Arrows In Sons Of The Forest (Explained)

Check out this guide to know how to Switch Arrows in Sons of the Forest.

Are you looking for a quick way to switch arrows in Sons of the Forest? If so, then you have just arrived at the right place. There are multiple types of arrows in this game like a Carbon Fiber Arrow, Stone Arrow, and a 3D Printed Arrow. You would definitely not want to get stuck in a fight looking for a way to switch between arrows. So, check out this guide that features the steps to switch arrows.

How to Switch Between Arrows Types in Sons of the Forest

In order to switch between Arrows, all you got to do is look at the equipped arrow. Further, press the R button to cycle through all the arrows you currently have in your Inventory. With that out of the way, you can now quickly equip the right arrow at the right time and place in Sons of the Forest.

How to Switch Between Arrows Types in Sons of the Forest

Each Arrow is somehow different from the other one in terms of effectiveness. However, you will eventually get your perfect Arrow as you progress further into the game. Once you get accustomed to it, you can easily switch arrows while hunting a deer from far away. Likewise, it will also become easy for you to equip a different arrow from the Inventory meanwhile fending off a maneater.

Apart from all this, if you are new to this game, then you might not know how to craft Bow and arrow. Hence, make sure to check out our other guide where we have mentioned the steps to craft them.

Also Read | All Hidden Sons Of The Forest Achievements List

For your reference, we have made a Video that can help you to do the same:

That covers everything on how to Switch Arrows in Sons of the Forest. If you are a frequent player, there are a few other guides that you should check out like How to Get Crossbow and How to Craft a Spear in Sons of the Forest.