Monopoly Go

Monopoly Go Stuck On Bank Heist: How To Fix

Not sure how to play Bank Heist or is it getting stuck whenever you open vault doors? Here is all we know about the Bank Heist Stuck issue of Monopoly Go.

Are you getting stuck in Monopoly Go Bank Heist after flipping three tiles? Several players are dealing with this issue. Some even had to lose Grand Heist rewards. Bank Heist doesn’t trigger every time, so getting stuck there is terrible for us. You not only become unable to play Dice but lose the extra cash too. And that feels even worse when you were using multiple Dice Rolls or had triggered Cash Boost. We need this most during the Mega Bank Heist event, where every Heist has a chance to be Mega. So read along and learn why this is happening and what you can do when it freezes.

What is a Bank Heist? What to Do When It Gets Stuck in Monopoly Go?

Bank Heist is a match three-tile minigame of Monopoly Go, which we sometimes trigger by landing on Railroad. The game is simple and luck-based. Out of the Mega Bank Heist event, players get three kinds of Heist: Small, Large, and Grand. You get a Small Heist reward when you unlock three Coin vault doors. Large when you open three Cash bundle doors. And lastly, Grand by opening three diamond ring doors. The amount increases during Cash Boost.

Can You Fix the Stuck Issue?

At the time of writing, developers are investigating the issue. And will possibly roll the fix within the next few days. You can learn more about the issue by checking the Monopoly Go Helpshift Stuck in Bank Heist section. Currently, the Issue Status says Investigating, but whenever it says Resolved, update your app. Fixes mostly arrive with updates. If you face an issue even after that, then try these fixes.

  • Make Storage: Your apps often freeze or get stuck whenever the device is running on low space. It is best to keep a few GB of storage for such cases. So delete, remove, and uninstall whatever you don’t need. And transfer files to an SD card to make storage.
  • Clear background apps: Letting too many apps work in the background sometimes results in a screen freeze. Clear all the unused apps from the background. Then restart the Monopoly Go to check if the bank Heist is still getting stuck.
  • Contact Customer Support: If none of the above fixes worked for you, contact customer support. You will find the Customer Service option in the game’s Settings menu. While filling out the complaint form, let it take info of your device if it asks. Some errors occur due to compatibility issues.

That’s everything we know about the Monopoly Go Stuck in Bank Heist issue and fix. There are many ways to earn money in the game. So if this is taking up your time, try other ways to earn Cash fast with our Monopoly Go guides. Learn how to get x50 Community Chest and if there are any cheats for the game.

Mansi Singh

From Kemco's Glorious Savior, Asdivine Dios, Revenant Saga to Haiku's Asylum, Murder Inn, and Time Library. Mysterious and RPGs have always been the soul of my life. Today Magic Awakened, TOTK, Asphalt Legends, SoS AWL, and Ni no Kuni have grasped me. But the future untold full of exciting stories are waiting to be explored, and I wish to live them all.

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