The Strange Ox in Baldur’s Gate 3 appears to be stranger than you think. Your first encounter with this Ox takes place near the Druid’s Sanctuary in Emerald Grove. While talking with it, you can select dialogues that will force him to reveal his true identity. You can also attack the Ox but the mystery of his true form won’t be revealed. However, during Act 2 and Act 3 of BG3, you can meet the Strange Ox again.
Description: This guide contains spoilers related to the true identity of Strange Ox. You can directly skip to the ‘Locations’ part if you want to reveal it yourself.
What is the Strange Ox in BG3?
First things first, speaking to the Strange Ox & getting more information requires high Arcana and Persuasion skills. To speak with the Ox, you can use a Speak with Animal Potion or use the Speak with Animal Spell. Another way to talk to the Strange Ox involves transforming into an Animal in BG3.
Forcing the Strange Ox to reveal its true identity will transform it into a Level 5 Ooze. You can then defeat the Strange Ox (Ooze) to get the Shapeshifter’s Boon Ring in Baldur’s Gate 3. It is not necessary to kill the Ox to obtain the Ring. You can also get it by helping the Ox in Act 3. But for that, you will have to interact with the Strange Ox in Act 2 as well. For that to happen, here’s where you can find the Strange Ox in Act 2 and Act 3.
Where to Find Strange Ox in Baldur’s Gate 3 (Location)
Here’s where you can find the Strange Ox in Act 2 and Act 3 of BG3:
- Last Light Inn, Shadow-Cursed Lands
- During Act 2, you can meet the Strange Ox in a stable near Last Light Inn. The coordinates for this location are (X:- 29 & Y:- 167)
- Rivington, Baldur’s Gate 3
- During Act 3, you can interact with the Strange Ox in a stable near Rivington. The coordinates for this location are (X:- 43 & Y:- 142)
Now that you know the location of the Strange Ox in Act 2 and Act 3 of BG3, know if you should Kill it or Help it below.
Should you Kill or Help the Strange Ox in BG3?
During your 3rd encounter with the Strange Ox, it will eventually ask you for help. The Ox wants you to help it reach the Baldur’s Gate. After which, you will be rewarded with the Shapeshifter’s Boon Ring. See, you can get the ring even without killing the poor animal. But the question still remains, Should you kill the Strange Ox or help it reach its destination in BG3? You can make a better decision only after knowing the consequences.
Attacking the Strange Ox will get you the Shapeshifter’s Ring, which you can also get by helping it. So according to me, you should help the Strange Ox in BG3 and I will tell you why. Not only helping will reward you with the Ring, but the Strange Ox will also show up at the final battle to help you. While Beorn Wunterbrood is giving his speech in the endgame phase, the Ox will show up to repay you for helping it.
Making proper decisions in this game will help you understand the story better. And that’s why, you should check out our Choices & Consequences Guide. Wherein, we have covered the outcomes for all important decisions in Baldur’s Gate 3.
That’s all there is to know about the Strange Ox in BG3. For more such informative guides, you can also check out the dedicated section for Baldur’s Gate 3 on Gamer Tweak. We have covered plenty of helpful content for you there.