All Stats Explained In Wo Long Fallen Dynasty

Here is a guide that explains all the stats in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty.

Soulslike games are known to be challenging, complicated, and quite a thrilling experience for gamers. However, some aspects of the genre can confuse many new and experienced players alike. With the plethora of stats that Wo Long Fallen Dynasty throws at you, it’s difficult to not be overwhelmed.  But knowing them is without a doubt vital as it can often be the deciding factor for your progression in the game. Whether you just started playing the RPG game by Team Ninja or are halfway through, this guide is made for everyone. Here are all the stats in  Wo Long and what they mean.

How Every Stat Works in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty

wo long element abilities

  • Wood – Greatly Increases your HP and reduces the amount of Spirit you lose when you get attacked.
  • Fire – Increases the amount of Spirit gained while attacking and reduces Spirit consumption rate for Martial Arts.
  • Water – Increases your Stealth and HP and reduces Spirit consumption rate for Deflecting attacks.
  • Metal – Increases your Spirit Stability and HP while reducing Spirit consumption rate for Wizardry spells.
  • Earth – Increase your Maximum Equipment Weight, HP and also increases the Spirit gain rate for Deflecting.

All Combat Abilities in Wo Long

Melee Weapon 1 Attack Power

This attack is related to the damage that you can deal to your enemies when striking an enemy with this equipped melee weapon in Slot 1.

Melee Weapon 2 Attack Power

Similar to the above attack, this ability is specific to your second melee weapon which is equipped in Slot 2.

Ranged Weapon Attack Power

This is the ability that your ranged weapons will have. It will work on your equipped Ranged weapon.


It affects the amount of HP that your character can lose when attacked.

Physical Resistance

Affects the damage that you receive from an enemy’s Physical attacks.

Spirit Defense

This stat affects how much Spirit you lose when hit struck by an attack.

Spirit Sustainability

This stat represents the duration for which a high level of Spirit can be maintained.

Spell Duration

Increases the duration of Wizardry spells and their prolonged effect.


Affects the damage dealt by Shadow Strike to oblivious enemies and decreases the likelihood of them spotting you.


This ability will improve the odds of finding rare and more powerful loot from all sources.

Spirit Gain Rate

  • Attack – increases the amount of Spirit gained by attacking enemies.
  • Deflect – increases the amount of Spirit gained by deflecting enemy attacks.

Spirit Consumption Rate

  • Martial Arts – Affects the amount of Spirit that you need for Martial Arts.
  • Wizardry Spells – Affects the amount of Spirit that you require for Wizardry Spells.
  • Deflect – Affects the amount of Spirit that you need for deflecting attacks.

Equipment Weight

  • Maximum Equipment Weight – The total limit after which your character’s movement becomes restricted.
  • Proportion Equipment Weight – This shows your total equipment weight as a proportion to the max cap. A lower weight will help your character be more agile and fast.

All Element Abilities in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty

The element abilities consist of Affinity and Resistance. We have mentioned the type of damage that each element can deal with. Here are all element abilities for Affinity:

  • Wood Affinity – The Damage and Shock status that you can inflict with Lightning attacks.
  • Fire Affinity – The Damage and Burn status that you can inflict with Flame attacks.
  • Earth Affinity – The Damage and Faint status that you can inflict with Stone attacks.
  • Metal Affinity – The Damage and Poison status that you can inflict with Toxin attacks.
  • Water Affinity – The Damage and Frostbite status that you can inflict with Ice attacks.

Resistance Element Abilities

  • Wood Resistance – The Damage and Shock status that you can receive from Lightning attacks.
  • Fire Resistance – The Damage and Burn status that you can receive from Flame attacks.
  • Earth Resistance – The Damage and Faint status that you can receive from Stone attacks.
  • Metal Resistance – The Damage and Poison status that you can receive from Toxin attacks.
  • Water Resistance – The Damage and Frostbite status that you can receive from Ice attacks.

That’s all you need to know about all stats in Wo Long and what they mean. We hope that this guide was able to clear your doubts regarding stats in the game. For more tips & tricks on the game, just head to our Wo Long Fallen Dynasty section on Gamer Tweak.