Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

Best Ways To Spend Wuthering Waves Currency

Find out the best ways to spend your currency in Wuthering Waves.

One of the most difficult tasks for a player is to figure out a way of spending their in-game currency in Wuthering Waves. As it has multiple types of currencies, their uses vary. Amongst these, the most common use case is obviously purchasing items from the shop. However, if you see the bigger picture, there are plenty of ways to use your in-game currency like Shell Credits and Astrite. In this guide, we have explained the best and most efficient ways to spend the Wuthering Waves currency.

Where to Spend Currency in WuWa

As mentioned earlier, Shell Credits and Astrite are the two major types of currencies in Wuthering Waves. Below, we have explained their best uses in separate sections, so it becomes easier for you to understand.

Best Uses of Shell Credits in Wuthering Waves

Shell Credits can be used to purchase weapon items, healing packs, food, and other stuff across various shops in WuWa. It is the most common medium of exchange accepted by the vendors. Apart from this, Shell Credits are also used for upgrading Resonators and Weapons. Each Resonator has its own Forte that you can level up using this currency.

Even if you are looking to upgrade their unique weapons, you will need Shell Credits as a primary resource. Without sufficient funds, you can not level up your strongest support system. So it is recommended to farm Shell Credits. You can earn them from literally anywhere in the game, like by completing quests or defeating an enemy. This currency is easy to come by.

Best Uses of Astrite in Wuthering Waves

Astrites is a type of premium currency that can be used to make Lustrous Tides or Radiant Tides. Both of these resources can then be used to pull new Resonators through Convene Banners. You should know that making 1 Tide requires you to spend 160 Astrites.

Another use of Astrite is refilling Waveplates in WuWa. For those who don’t know, Waveplate is a mechanic that can be used to earn rewards. Once used, this consumable is exhausted and takes a while to get replenished. But with the use of Astrites, you can fill it without having to wait for a minute.

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The above according to us are the best ways to spend your currency in Wuthering Waves. By the way, did you know that you can unlock some characters for free? Here’s a quick guide that explains how.

Aniket Maurya

Hops between Sports and Action RPG games frequently. Can play the Arkham series tirelessly. Currently invested in exploring FPS and Open-World games.

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