Video Game Guides

Splatoon 3 Cohozuna: How To Get King Salmonid To Appear

Here is how you can make King Salmon appear in Splatoon 3.

While playing Splatoon 3, many players want to spawn King Salmon in their run. Cohozuna is one of the new King Salmonids in the game that spawns during Salmon runs. But it won’t appear every time and is a rare encounter so you might have trouble encountering it. So in this guide let us check how to get King Salmonid Cohozuna to spawn in Splatoon 3, and how to fight it.

How to Get King Salmonid in Salmon Run in Splatoon 3

You can make the King Salmonid appear after completing the third wave when you have the Cohozuna meter full. Note that the Cohozuna meter isn’t the official name but rather a name I am using for better explanation.

Irrespective of whether you play Salmon Runs alone or with friends you can find a meter that shows you about the next Cohozuna spawn. You can find this meter under your XP bar and rank. Your goal should be to play Salmon runs more with your friends or the same lobby of randoms. As the meter goes up the higher the chance is for it to appear after few next runs. Once it is full the next Salmon Run you play will spawn King Salmonid.

Although there is a catch here, even if the meter is full the King Salmonid will only spawn when you complete all three waves. If you are unable to complete all three waves then you will miss the encounter.

How to Fight King Salmon

You can fight King Salmon Cohozuna using both your weapons and the Egg Canon.

  • Using Egg Canon: You can use the golden eggs you collect during the run to fire at Cohozuna. These are useful as they chip away a chunk of its HP.
  • Attacking with weapons: While you wait to come across a golden egg, you should keep attacking King Salmonid with your weapons. These deal regular damage but will help you chip away its health.

One thing you have to remember is that this is a time-limited fight. So you will have to make sure you and your team chip away its health while also fighting the other enemies.

That covers this guide on how to get King Salmonid to spawn in Splatoon 3. Since you are interested in this game also check our other guides on how to level up fastget money, and get fish scales in this game.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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