How To Get Shard Of Alexander Elden Ring (Location)

Here's our guide on the location of Alexander and how to get the Shard of Alexander in Elden Ring.

While there are many things praise-worthy in Elden Ring, its different NPCs and their explorable quests are my personal favorite. Iron Fist, Alexander is one of the NPCs you will encounter as you proceed to your journey in Lands Between. His appearance is similar to a giant cauldron with arms and legs stuck inside the ground. If you are looking for the shard of Alexander, you will have to complete his entire questline. But for that, we need to find Alexander first. So, here’s our guide on the location of Alexander and how to get the Shard of Alexander in Elden Ring.

All Iron Fist Alexander Locations in Elden Ring

  • You will encounter the Iron Fist Alexander to the north of the Stormhill closer to the Saintsbridge, Site of Grace. As you proceed, you will hear his distress call as he is stuck inside the ground. You can either choose to help him or not. Once you knock him out of the ground, he will thank you for the help. He will give you some exalted flesh for your efforts.
elden ring shard of alexander
Image Source – Games from Mars.
  • You will find him next inside the Gael Tunnel near the Smoldering Wall. It is located to the west of the Caelid region on the border of Limgrave. He will talk to you about heading off to the festival at the Redmane Castle.
  • You will encounter him next before and after your fight with Radahn, the Starscourge. After you win the fight, talk with Alexander as he compliments you for being a great fighter.
  • His next location is in Liurnia of the Lakes located to the south of Carian Study Hall. You will have to get him out of the ground by throwing some Oil Pots.
  • You will encounter him again at the Seethewater Terminus, Site of Grace at Mount Gelmir. But this time, he doesn’t need your help as you can catch him chilling by the streaming magma. As you exhaust all conversation with him, he will give a Jar helmet as a token of friendship and head east.
  • You will encounter him for the final time near the Dragon Temple Altar, Site of Grace. From there climb the archaic stairs and find a fog wall. You will need a Stonesword key to pass through that Fog wall.
  • As you pass through the Dragon Temple Lift, Site of Grace, take a right and jump on the pillars to fight a dragon.

How to Get Shard of Alexander in Elden Ring?

  • Once you have defeated the dragon, you need to reload the area again. You can head over to the closest Site of Grace nearby to do that.
  • Then, you can find Alexander on the platform.
  • He will compliment you for defeating the dragon and ask for a duel. Accept the duel and fight with him.
  • Upon his defeat, he will die an honorable death and reward you with the Shard of Alexander.
  • In addition to that, you will also receive the Warrior Jar shard and Alexander’s Innards.

How to Use the Shard of Alexander?

  • Shard of Alexander is a Talisman that can boost the attack power of your skills immensely in Elden Ring.
  • It increases the damage by 15 % and can be sold to a merchant in exchange for 1000 Runes.
  • You can equip the shard of Alexander by heading to your inventory.

That’s all on the location of Alexander and how to get the Shard of Alexander in Elden Ring. If you liked this guide, you can check out our guides on all the NPC locations, how to get the Sacred Relic Sword, and how to reach Dynasty Mausoleum right here on Gamer Tweak.