Game Release Dates

Elden Ring DLC Release Date

Arise now, ye Tarnished! Here's everything that's known about the Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC release date and other announcements.

The wait for the much awaited Elden Ring DLC is almost over the game released 2 years back and it has been over an year since they announced developing Shadow of the Erdtree. In typical From Software Tradition they had name-dropped and we didn’t give any clue on when to expect to play it, until recently. And since it was the GOTY of 2022 and has a massive following, fans everywhere had and still are sniffing out clues about the expansion. So this is what is known so far about the DLC’s release date and what you can expect from it.

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Release Date

Image Credits: Elden Ring Story Trailer

Update: The release date for Shadow of the Erdtree is June 21st, 2024. It’s pre-orders are also available now. You can check out its official gameplay trailer below:

Note: Below you can find information on fan speculations before this trailer dropped.

One of the biggest leads about when the DLC should be out is that it should release sometime in February 2024. Thanks to Reddit user u/ChiefLeef22 for sharing it, you can check out their thread here. Basically, Elden Ring collaborated with Thrustmaster on a controller for Shadow of the Erdtree expansion. The controller is supposed to release with the DLC. So that’s what leads to this speculation.

As for the official announcements the last thing we got to know about it was from the official Tweet. It said that the expansion is in development. We are yet to even receive a trailer for it. The last major update the game got was with its Free Colosseum update.

What to Expect in Shadow of the Erdtree DLC?

There are many existing characters we could learn more about in the DLC. The most popular theory is the DLC will be about Miquella due to his creation of the Haligtree and how that could be the Shadow of the Erdtree. But that’s not the only character whom we know not much about.

There is also a chance we may learn about Godwyn the Golden. He is one of the most pivotal characters as his being killed after the Rune of Death was stolen lead to the events that set up the game. Of course, there is also the question of who stole the Rune of Death. Ranni may or may not have been behind it, but assuming that she was then what were her motives?

These were just very few of the untouched topics there is also very little known about the Outer gods mentioned in the game’s lore. So it would be nice to find out who gave scarlet rot to Malenia, along with answers to other similar questions. Or who knows we might get even more questions that would set up another DLC!

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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