Can You Repair Tools And Weapons In LEGO Fortnite?

Wondering how you can repair your tools, weapons, and other items in the game? Here is everything you need to know.

Harvesting resources to craft tools and weapons is an integral part of LEGO Fortnite. Players take a lot of pride in the items they have built, as the process to do so is quite time-consuming. As a result, players have been trying to find an effective way to repair all their damaged items.

For a while, players started using an in-game bug that helped them fix their deteriorating tools immediately. Sadly, this glitch has been patched out. On the bright side, the developers have shed light on this subject and have released some news that caused quite a reaction. If you want to know more about this restoration process, we have collected all the information you are looking for in this guide.

Is there a way to Repair Tools And Weapons in LEGO Fortnite?

Can You Repair Your Tools And Weapons In LEGO Fortnite
Source – LEGO Fortnite on YouTube

Unfortunately, the answer is no. Currently, there is no in-game mechanic that allows you to repair your damaged tools and weapons in LEGO Fortnite. However, considering players started taking advantage of the bug that allowed them to repair their items and after paying attention to what the players were saying about the durability, Epic Games took to Twitter to address this issue.

According to the tweet mentioned above, the durability of all the tools and weapons in the game will be increased by 30%. And following this announcement, players also noticed that the previous glitch they were using to repair their items, had been fixed.

Once this news broke out, the reaction that was received from all Fortnite fans was quite interesting. While some criticized this glitch fix and said the devs should have figured out a repair system before they patched this glitch, some are still trying to figure out which items can and can’t be fixed anymore.

Can you still Use the ‘Repair Glitch’ in LEGO Fortnite?

Can You Still Use The 'Repair Glitch' In LEGO Fortnite
Source – ConCon on YouTube

Although the glitch seems to be patched, many players have been reporting that the process still works for some of the tools and weapons in the game. If you are confused about this process, here is how you can make use of this bug:

  • Craft a Small Chest, you will need 6 Planks to build this item.
  • Place the tools and weapons that are damaged inside this storage unit.
  • Completely destroy the chest by hitting it multiple times.
  • After a few hits, the chest will explode and you can collect all the items.
  • Once they are picked, if you check again, they will be repaired.

Even though this bug has been fixed, you can try out this method, as the items that are damaged will most likely break, one way or another. Once your item breaks due to severe damage, you will need to gather all the resources once again and craft a new one.

This is everything you need to know about repairing your tools and weapons in LEGO Fortnite. Since the glitch is now fixed and you will need to build all the items you lost once again, here is a list of all the recipes you can craft. Make sure to read all our recent guides available in our Fortnite section, right here on Gamer Tweak.