Pokemon Sword And Shield Strength And Weaknesses Of Every Type Of Pokemon

If you are just getting into Pokemon Sword and Shield, the first thing you will want to know is how effective your Pokemon is against another type of Pokemon. Now if you have been an ardent fan of the TV show you might have some idea but not everyone has seen the show since its inception to what it is today. This guide will show you the strength and weaknesses of every type of Pokemon.

Pokemon Sword And Shield Strength And Weaknesses Of Every Type Of Pokemon

Pokemon Sword and Shield bring multiple generations of Pokemon to the game, and you will sometimes be left wondering what type is the Pokemon you are up against. Sometimes you will also face Pokemon that is a dual-type. In such cases selecting the right Pokemon is of prime importance.

If you already know your opponent’s weaknesses in Pokemon Sword and Shield you will breeze through the game without much difficulty. Knowing what moves to hit your opponent with for maximum damage will help you save your Pokemon and defeat opponents.

The Gym Trainers in Pokemon Sword and Shield put up a huge fight and taking them down is sometimes not so easy. You can check out the strength and weaknesses of every type of Pokemon below:

Pokemon Sword and Shield Type Chart

pokemon strength weakness
source: Future

The above chart shows, what type of Pokemon is good and what it is bad against. Having this knowledge early on in the game will make a huge difference for new Pokemon trainers.

Many have been struggling and hopefully, this will help you clear your doubts.

Normal Type Weakness and Strength
Super effective against: None
Weak against: Fighting

Poison Type Weakness and Strength
Super effective against: Fairy, Grass
Weak against: Ground, Psychic

PsychicType Weakness and Strength
Super effective against: Fighting, Poison
Weak against: Bug, Dark, Ghost

Rock Type Weakness and Strength
Super effective against: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice
Weak against: Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water

Steel Type Weakness and Strength
Super effective against: Fairy, Ice, Rock
Weak against: Fighting, Fire, Ground

Water Type Weakness and Strength
Super effective against: Fire, Ground, Rock
Weak against: Electric, Grass

Bug Type Weakness and Strength
Super effective against: Grass, Dark, Psychic
Weak against: Fire, Flying, Rock

Dark Type Weakness and Strength
Super effective against: Ghost, Psychic
Weak against: Bug, Fairy, Fighting

Dragon Type Weakness and Strength
Super effective against: Dragon
Weak against: Dragon, Fairy, Ice

Electric Type Weakness and Strength
Super effective against: Flying, Water
Weak against: Ground

Fairy Type Weakness and Strength
Super effective against: Fighting, Dark, Dragon
Weak against: Poison, Steel

Fighting Type Weakness and Strength
Super effective against: Dark, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel
Weak against: Fairy, Flying, Psychic

Fire Type Weakness and Strength
Super effective against: Bug, Grass, Ice, Steel
Weak against: Ground, Rock, Water

Flying Type Weakness and Strength
Super effective against: Bug, Fighting, Grass
Weak against: Ground, Rock, Water

Ghost Type Weakness and Strength
Super effective against: Ghost, Psychic
Weak against: Dark, Ghost

Grass Type Weakness and Strength
Super effective against: Ground, Rock, Water
Weak against: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison

Ground Type Weakness and Strength
Super effective against: Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel
Weak against: Grass, Ice, Water

Ice Type Weakness and Strength
Super effective against: Dragon, Flying, Grass, Ground
Weak against: Fighting, Fire, Rock, Steel

This is all there is to know about the strength and weaknesses of every type of Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield.

Check out which Pokemon is the best starter Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield right here.