How To Get Personal Space In Harry Potter Magic Awakened

Access your Personal Space with this guide and collect achievement rewards in Harry Potter Magic Awakened.

Personal Space is an area that you can decorate as you want in Harry Potter Magic Awakened. You can place pictures, books, and decorations to create a cozy place for yourself and your friends to relax. Plus, unlocking this area, lets you access your achievement tab anytime with the help of Table of Achievement. As you progress you unlock a quest that allows you to increase the area of the Personal Space. If you are interested in getting a Personal Space because the shared Dormitory is too small for you, then complete this chapter of HP Magic Awakened.

How to Unlock Personal Space and Get Achievement Rewards in HP Magic Awakened

Unlock Personal Space In Magic Awakened

You get access to the Personal Space in HPMA Year 1 Chapter 3: Without A Trace. The Chapter is broadly divided into five sections or quests: Lottie’s Troubles, Vut-in Conversations, Mysterious Entrance, Companion: Daniel and Cassandra. The Personal Space becomes accessible through the Mysterious Entrance quest. In this quest, you have to follow Gossamer to the hideout and that hideout is Personal Space

  • The first task of the Mysterious Entrance quest is “Follow Gossamer to the hideout“.
  • Follow the arrow. It will take you to a wall full of portraits and one nature painting.
  • Then you will be tasked with the outlining task. You have to outline the dragon in a single stroke.
  • Once you have successfully outlined, an entrance to the hideout will appear and take you to your Personal Space of Harry Potter Magic Awakened.
  • After that you can clean the room and start placing furniture.

This is all you have to do to open the entrance to the Personal Space hideout of the Harry Potter Magic Awakened. Now you can access and collect achievement rewards whenever you want. If you don’t have any achievements, then use this Muggle Studies QnA guide and achieve by scoring a perfect score several times.