Dying Light 2 Stay Human is the latest installment from Techland and is the sequel to Dying Light. With the predecessor being so successful, there is a lot Dying Light 2 Stay Human has to achieve. Upon its release, it has already become a fan favorite with its new mechanics and features as well as overall aesthetic. But as it has become a general trend, even Dying Light 2 is filled with Bugs & Issues. This may be in part of current global affairs. But credit to the Devs as they have managed to patch a majority of the issues. Although there are still many that are yet to be fixed. For instance, the Only Way Out Bug. In this guide, I will show you how to fix the Only Way Out Bug in Dying Light 2 Stay Human till the Devs can patch it up.
How to Fix the Only Way Out Bug in Dying Light 2?

On Dying Light 2 Stay Human release, a lot of issues and errors were present. Although many were patched, there are still a few of them that are still there. One of them that is still present is the Only Way Out Bug in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. Now, what happens in this bug is that the Yellow Mission Markers would not update & won’t progress you further into the Story. Even though you have completed that Quest, it still shows that you have to do it. If you are facing this issue, here is what you will have to do.
Whenever you do face the Only Way Out Bug in Dying Light 2, try doing something else like a side quest or some exploration. After doing a task that will update your Quests may fix the bug for the Main Missions. If that doesn’t work then try using different responses while you are talking to other characters. This may not be the way you want to play the game but you may have to do it. If that doesn’t work then Quit the game and restart it. Don’t worry as your progress won’t be lost and you will respawn at the nearest Checkpoint. These are some of the Temporary fixes you can use on the Only Way Out Bug in Dying Light 2 Stay Human till the developers can patch it. These methods can also be applied to other Main Story Mission Bugs.
This was all about the Only Way Out Bug in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. Hopefully, this guide has helped you. You can also check out our guides on Best Graphics Settings For PC in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.