Will GTA 6 Have An Online Mode?

Here's what we think about a possible GTA 6 Online title release.

GTA Online is the most fun open-world multiplayer experience with endless things to offer. You can run an Agency, do some Bounty Hunting, engage in Gang Wars, perform Heists, and there is literally so much more left to the list. I can still recall my first GTA Online run on PS4, the concept felt so fresh and exciting.

After a decade later of its release, Rockstar has just announced that in December 2023, the World will get to see the first glimpse of Grand Theft Auto 6. And with this announcement, I am excited to know if Rockstar will treat us with a GTA 6 Online mode? It’s a legit question as Rockstar has always seen GTA Story & Online Mode as two separate titles.

With that said, another question is bugging my mind what will happen to GTA 5 Online, after the release of GTA 6? After researching about it for a while, I am ready to share my insight with you. So if you have the same queries, then be sure to stick to the end.

Will there be a GTA 6 Online?

If you ask me, then Rockstar will surely be looking to release an Online mode for GTA 6 and I have concrete reasons for it. First up, we know how big of a success the previous GTA Online title was. Since its release, it has attracted more than a hundred million players. And if Rockstar Games has the opportunity to pull such great numbers again, then why not?

Additionally, Rockstar and Take-Two Interactives may have some new plans for their next project. And if they want to take players by surprise, then there is no better way than launching a fresh Story and Online mode.

What will happen to GTA Online after GTA VI?

Honestly, Rockstar hasn’t even given us a hint on what they are planning to do with GTA 5 Online. For now, we can only speculate things about it.

I personally feel like Rockstar will eventually sunset GTA 5 Online after releasing GTA 6. And after a while, they will release an overhauled or completely new GTA 6 Online. There’s a decent chance of it happening as the developers would want to shift the gamer’s focus to the new title.

There’s a slight chance that Online mode for both GTA 5 and GTA 6 exist at the same, but only if the developers feel generous. But for previous Gen Consoles like PS4 and Xbox One, GTA 5 Online Servers can soon be shut down. Just like it happened with Xbox 360 and PS3 in the past.

Sooner or later after the release of GTA 6, players will have to say goodbye to GTA 5 Online. And if that happens, I am sure the developers will find a way to make the fans with rejoice with the new GTA Online DLCs.

For now, that’s all there is to know about the GTA 6 Online. For more information on Rockstar’s upcoming project, be sure to check out our GTA 6 section on Gamer Tweak.

Aniket Maurya

Hops between Sports and Action RPG games frequently. Can play the Arkham series tirelessly. Currently invested in exploring FPS and Open-World games.

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