Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Rise: How To Get Big Fin In MH Rise

Here's how to hunt Delex and get Big Fins in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise).

MH Rise has one of the best Monster Hunter maps in the entire series. But find a Big Fin can be a bit difficult if you are new to the series and not sure which Monster to hunt for it. So if you are having trouble finding this item then let us look at how to get Big Fin in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise).

How to Get Big Fin in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise)?

To get Big Fin in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) you need to hunt and carve creatures called Delex, found in the Sandy Plains region. Delex can be easily found in number 9 northeast and number 10 northwest corners of the MHR map. They are fish-like creatures that swim in sand plains. You won’t miss him due to their peculiar jaws shaped like that of crocodiles.


As they tend to hide back in sand real quick, consider using a Sonic Bomb to bring them to the surface forcefully. After that hunting them is pretty easy. As Big Fins are a rare monster material, the chance of a Delex dropping this item is lower than 50%. So keep carving as many Delexs as possible, to collect enough Big Fins in no time.

How To Use Big Fin In MH Rise?

You can use Big Fin to craft many rare weapons and armor sets like Delex weapons and Barroth, Makluva, Somnacanth, Uroktor, Somnacanth, and Mizutsune armor sets. These are more than just cosmetic upgrades, as some of them have good stats to help you out in your future hunts.

That’s everything you need to know about how to get Big Fin in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). While you are here make sure to read other Monster Hunter Rise Guides like:

Phil James

Phil is a creative and imaginative person who loves to tell stories. He believes video games are a powerful medium that can transport players to new and exciting worlds. He is excited to continue writing and gaming and hopes one day to create a fun video game.

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