Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Mass Effect Legendary Edition: How To Revive?

Here's a guide to how to revive squad members in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

The Mass Effect franchise relies heavily on combat. Battling foreign species on alien lands with every squad member having specific skills is the core of this franchise. It is very common to lose squad members during such busy combats, but you can always revive them. While players can revive their teammates in Mass Effect the process is different for all of the games. Let’s see how you can revive your squad members in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

How To Revive In Mass Effect Legendary Edition?

In Mass Effect, 1 player will need to use the “Unity” ability to revive other squad members. You won’t get the ability straight away, players will have to become a Spectre to unlock it. After that, you will unlock the Spectre training talent tree where players can acquire multiple skills. One of those is the “Unity” for which you will have to give four experience points at the tree. Once you use the “Unity” it will revive your teammates with 30% health and shield. This is just level 1 of the Unity ability, the more you upgrade, the more health it restores.

In Mass Effect 2 and 3 players can revive other squad members using Medigel, so keep some handy. Mass effect three combines healing and reviving with the First aid ability. This ability restores all squad members’ health and will also revive members by adding to their health bar.

Players should keep in mind that healing is different from reviving. While you can heal any squad member using the Medigel the reviving process as we saw is a bit complicated, at least in the first installment. Medigel do help in filling the health bar (and reviving in ME 2 and 3), which makes it a very important item to stock, but getting through the first installment players must focus on the “Unity” ability.

That’s all for this one, do check out our article to know how to get more Grenades in Mass Effect Legendary Editon.


Full time writer and member of "still sulking over Joe's death in TLOU 2" club.

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