If you are a League of Legends player, you must have come across many people searching for today’s LoLdle answer. This is a word game similar to the popular Wordle. The goal here is to guess the right LoL Champion. The game will give you hints by telling you the gender, position, species, resource, range type, region, and release year. But if you need a little help in getting the Champion right, then the answers you are looking for are below.
LoLdle Answer Today (July 28 2023)
The answer to today’s puzzles for 28th July 2023 are:
- Classic: Ivern
- Quote: Kayle
- Ability: Rakan
- Emoji: Master Yi
- Splash Art: Poppy
Don’t worry if it took you several tries in figuring out the answer. Each day you will get 5 new puzzles so you can always get them right on your first or first few tries some other day. You can play LoLdle on their official website here.
If you missed out on playing a few days then we also have the past answers for you. These answers are given in this order – Classic, Quote, Ability, Emoji, and Splash Art. Here are the solutions to the past puzzles:
July 2023
- 27th July: Samira, Leona, Warwick, Milio, Irella
- 26th July: Aurelion Sol, Kog’Maw, Neeko, Ryze, Renekton
- 25th July: Aurelion Sol, Kog’Maw, Neeko, Ryze, Renekton
- 24th July: Neeko, Qiyana, Gragas, Cassiopeia, Lucian
- 23rd July: Sejuani, Xayah, Zoe, Malphite, Evelynn
- 22nd July: Rakan, Gwen, Rammus, Katarina, Gragas
- 21st July: Lulu, Sylas, Yuumi, Draven, Nasus
- 20th July: Kha’Zix, Ivern, Tryndamere, Viktor, Karma
- 19th July: Jayce, Draven, Lissandra, Quinn, Nautilus
- 18th July: Fiora, Lee Sin, Ashe, Sona, Vex
- 17th July: Orianna, Lillia, Xayah, Nami, Kayn
- 16th July: Shen, Singed, Veigar, Lux, Syndra
- 15th July: Fizz, LeBlanc, Talon, Orianna, Darius
- 14th July: Heimerdinger, Jayce, Camille, Yuumi, LeBlanc
- 13th July: Brand, Akali, Pantheon, Shen, Kennen
- 12th July: Renata Glasc, Lulu, Lucian, Fizz, Rell
- 11th July: Jinx, Swain, Nautilus, Renata Glasc, Tryndamere
- 10th July: Master Yi, Nocturne, Vex, Nautilus, Cassiopeia
- 9th July: Caitlyn, Rakan, Master Yi, Azir, Viktor
- 8th July: Kindred, Nami, Kassadin, Zoe, Braum
- 7th July: Nilah, Vex, Zyra, Urgot, Nocturne
- 6th July: Rammus, Lissandra, Viego, Lulu, Wukong
- 5th July: Alistar, Teemo, Urgot, Nidalee, Gwen
- 4th July: Rumble, Anivia, Kennen, Kindred, Aphelios
- 3rd July: Malzahar, Caitlyn, Kha’zix, Shaco, Hecarim
- 2nd July: Lillia, Jhin, Gangplank, Yone, Talon
- 1st July: Kayn, Azir, Leona, Brand, Kai’Sa
June 2023
- 30th June: Dr. Mundo, Orianna, Udyr, Bard, Ziggs
- 29th June: Sivir, Ryze, Maokai, Malzahar, Rakan
- 28th June: Ashe, Pantheon, Dr. Mundo, Sivir, Renata Glasc
- 27th June: Taric, Lux, Janna, Jayce, Aurelion Sol
- 26th June: Swain, Karma, Soraka, Volibear, Aatrox
- 25th June: Sion, Hecarim, Vel’Koz, Akshan, Tristana
- 24th June: Tryndamere, Braum, Jax, Taliyah, Annie
- 23rd June: Draven, Olaf, Sett, Vex, Lillia
- 22nd June: Xayah, Pyke, Nami, Gangplank, Camille
- 21st June: Syndra, Annie, Viktor, Vayne, Sylas
- 20th June: Sett, Ahri, Aurelion Sol, Cho’Gath, Pantheon
- 19th June: Jhin, Yasuo, Aphelios, Kassadin, Xin Xhao
- 18th June: Mordekaiser, Corki, Alistar, Sion, Neeko
- 17th June: K’Sante, Evelynn, Yone, Vladimir, Riven
- 16th June: Ornn, Zyra, Nidalee, Vel’Koz, Nunu & Willump
- 15th June: Viktor, Alistar, Zac, Soraka, Illaoi
- 14th June: Rengar, Poppy, Vayne, Rammus, Lee Sin
- 13th June: Teemo, Kassadin, Jinx, Corki, Lulu
- 12th June: Lux, Mordekaiser, Kai’sa, Caitlyn, Rumble
- 11th June: Lee Sin, Sion, Kayn, Kog’Maw, Qiyana
- 10th June: Ahri, Blitzcrank, Taliyah, Amumu, Maokai
- 9th June: Udyr, Vel’Koz, Ahri, Lee Sin, Veigar
- 8th June: Pyke, Rammus, Nunu & Willump, Xayah, Swain
- 7th June: Evelynn, Kalista, Nunu & Willump, Sejuani, Lissandra
- 6th June: Zeri, Illaoi, Kled, Zilean, Kindred
- 5th June: Jarvan IV, Sejuani, Xerath, Nocturne, Graves
- 4th June: Vi, Shyvana, Zilean, Olaf, Twitch
- 3rd June: Corki, Xerath, Irelia, Yorlick, Kayle
- 2nd June: Azir, Fiddlesticks, Quinn, Poppy, Brand
- 1st June: Kayle, Renekton, Rek’Sai, Ezreal, Zyra
May 2023
- 31st May 2023: Lucian, Kayn, Akali, Yasuo, Zac
- 30th May 2023: Veigar, Zac, Malphite, Elise, K’Sante
- 29th May 2023: Lucian, Kayn, Akali, Yasuo, Zac
- 28th May 2023: Tristana, Ziggs, Fiddlesticks, Tryndamere, Teemo
- 27th May 2023: Zed, Viego, Illaoi, Evelynn, Vladimir
- 26th May 2023: Kai’Sa, Akshan, Sylas, Xerath, Malphite
- 25th May 2023: Xerath, Xin Zhao, Nilah, Syndra, Sivir
- 24th May 2023: Quinn, Yone, Gwen, Miss Fortune, Fizz
- 23rd May 2023: Warwick, Garen, Singed, Nunu & Willump, Ashe
- 22nd May 2023: Yorick, Nilah, Zeri, Fiora, Rek’Sai
- 21st May 2023: Wukong, Renata Glasc, Tahm Kench, Aphelios, Soraka
- 20th May 2023: Kalista, Ekko, Lux, Karthus, Senna
- 19th May 2023: Akali, Cho’Gath, Tristana, Tahm Kench, Bel’Veth
- 18th May 2023: Zyra, K’Sante, Kalista, Tristana, Jayce
- 17th May 2023: Kassadin, Soraka, Ekko, Skarner, Trundle
- 16th May 2023: Amumu, Jax, Katarina, Rumble, Shen
- 15th May 2023: Qiyana, Taric, Ivern, Shyvana, Anivia
- 14th May 2023: Annie, Veigar, Amumu, Talon, Maokai
- 13th May 2023: Trundle, Malphite, Anivia, Akali, Ryze
- 12th May 2023: Illaoi, Katarina, Poppy, Braum, Amumu
- 11th May 2023: Thresh, Gnar, Twisted Fate, Lillia, Zilean
- 10th May 2023: Diana, Senna, Riven, Leona, Kled
- 9th May 2023: Zilean, Graves, Ezreal, Jarvan IV, Skarner
- 8th May 2023: Janna, Ashe, Darius, Camille, Warwick
- 7th May 2023: Olaf, Lucian, Samira, Kennen, Sona
- 6th May: Katarina, Dr. Mundo, Rumble, Seraphine, Olaf
- 5th May: Fiddlesticks, Cassiopeia, Azir, Vi, Kalista
- 4th May: Nasus, Talon, Morgana, Kayle, Gangplank
- 3rd May: Shyvana, Zeri, Blitzcrank, Ivern, Taric
- 2nd May: Skarner, Sett, Braum, Kayn, Udyr
- 1st May: Leblanc, Kled, Evelynn, Singed, Miss Fortune
April 2023
- 30th April: Karma, Jinx, Shaco, Aatrox, Ahri
- 29th April: Twitch, Karthus, Xin Zhao, Varus, Nidalee
- 28th April: Riven, Quinn, Pyke, Lucian, Alistar
- 27th April: Ryze, Wukong, Skarner, Fiddlesticks, Urgot
- 26th April: Graves, Vayne, Karthus, Udyr, Garen
- 25th April: Bel’Veth, Twisted Fate, Twitch, Illaoi, Samira
- 24th April: Akshan, Riven, Sion, Maokai, Nilah
- 23rd April: Vel’Koz, Kindred, Vladimir, Zyra, Yuumi
- 22nd April: Cho’Gath, Zed, Renekton, Kalista, Vel’Koz
- 21st April: Viego, Miss Fortune, Lillia, Gragas, Malzahar
- 20th April: Senna, Maokai, Teemo, Lissandra, Janna
- 19th April: Poppy, Kennen, Swain, Rakan, Kha’Zix
- 18th April: Renekton, Taliyah, Cassiopeia, Kha’Zix, Varus
- 17th April: Cassiopeia, Nasus, Jarvan IV, Ziggs, Morgana
- 16th April: Yasuo, Brand, Miss Fortune, Ahri, Yone
- 15th April: Talon, Vladimir, Rell, Twitch, Diana
- 14th April: Aurelion Sol, Janna, Corki, Zed, Renekton
- 13th April: Sejuani, Nunu, Zed, Twisted Fate, Zeri
- 12th April: Kindred, Neeko, Hecarim, Anivia, Jinx
- 11th April: Darius, Zilean, Yorick, Janna, Shyvana
- 10th April: Sylas, Trundle, Karma, Veigar, Cho’ Gath
- 9th April: Pantheon, Rengar, K’Sante, Diana, Ezreal
- 8th April: Xin Zhao, Zoe, Jhin, Rengar, Poppy
- 7th April: Kha’Zix, Vi, Kindred, Hecarim, Xayah
- 6th April: Lulu, Kha’Zix, Rakan, Jhin, Ekko
- 5th April: Nocturne, Singed, Qiyana, Thresh, Jhin,
- 4th April: Nocturne, Singed, Qiyana, Thresh, Jhin
- 3rd April: Zac, Galio, Sona, Qiyana, Rengar
- 2nd April: Singed, Tristana, Lucian, Sett, Syndra
- (April Fools’) 1st April: Urf, Urf, Urf, Urf, Urf
That is all for these puzzles solutions for LoLdle. But if you are into more of such web word games, then also check out our daily answers for Byrdle.