Tier List

LoL Nexus Blitz Champions Tier List From Best To Worst (2023)

Here is a complete tier list of Lol Nexus Blitz champions.

League of Legends Nexus Blitz has a long list of champions to choose from and all of them being so compelling, it is difficult to choose the best among those. So here we have a tier list of the League of Legends (LoL) Nexus Blitz Champions ranked from best to worst and their win rates.

Lol Nexus Blitz Tier List

Sivir S+ 68.00%
Jinx S+ 67.70%
Nasus S+ 59.90%
Morgana S+ 63.50%
Sona S 67.40%
Lux S 70.20%
Veigar S 66.20%
Mordekaiser S 64.20%
Ziggs S 68.30%
Soraka S 65.10%
Trundle S- 60.30%
Varus S- 62.90%
Malzahar S- 67.00%
Caitlyn S- 63.60%
Viego S- 58.39%
Kayle S- 70.30%
Yorick A+ 62.80%
Vayne A+ 62.20%
Miss Fortune A+ 67.10%
Pantheon A+ 60.90%
Xin Zhao A+ 63.90%
Graves A+ 66.30%
Yone A+ 57.75%
Senna A+ 64.80%
Samira A+ 57.58%
Kog’Maw A+ 65.80%
Xayah A 61.90%
Cassiopeia A 65.70%
Viktor A 66.50%
Seraphine A 57.05%
Annie A 61.60%
Ashe A 62.90%
Wukong A 63.80%
Teemo A 62.80%
Ahri A 64.90%
Yasuo A 64.50%
Vel’Koz A 68.80%
Sett A 66.10%
Kai’Sa A- 63.10%
Swain A- 65.40%
Skarner A- 60.90%
Jax A- 66.20%
Aatrox A- 60.30%
Nautilus A- 60.80%
Riven A- 62.70%
Braum A- 56.98%
Nami A- 68.00%
Zyra A- 67.50%
Brand A- 68.60%
Lulu A- 64.20%
Kindred A- 64.70%
Fiora A- 61.00%
Illaoi B+ 69.20%
Rell B+ 54.13%
Warwick B+ 59.70%
Jhin B+ 66.40%
Diana B+ 65.40%
Vi B+ 62.50%
Ezreal B+ 60.60%
Vladimir B+ 65.60%
Lissandra B+ 63.90%
Jayce B+ 62.10%
Taliyah B+ 65.70%
Ryze B+ 60.60%
Gragas B+ 62.80%
Heimerdinger B+ 66.00%
Alistar B+ 65.30%
Gangplank B 60.50%
Maokai B 67.80%
Xerath B 67.20%
Poppy B 63.90%
Urgot B 63.20%
Thresh B 61.60%
Leona B 60.90%
Amumu B 68.60%
Shen B 61.20%
Gwen B 54.44%
Twitch B 62.20%
Cho’Gath B 64.50%
Jarvan IV B 62.90%
Corki B 61.10%
Neeko B 70.60%
Karthus B 66.30%
Aphelios B 66.00%
Singed B 63.80%
Lucian B 61.40%
Rek’Sai B- 63.80%
Zilean B- 63.60%
Kled B- 65.00%
Draven B- 62.00%
Taric B- 68.80%
Karma B- 61.90%
Tristana B- 59.40%
Darius B- 62.30%
Katarina B- 61.40%
Kassadin B- 63.50%
Anivia B- 68.20%
Shaco B- 57.00%
Orianna B- 66.70%
Gnar B- 61.10%
Camille B- 61.00%
Volibear C+ 63.60%
Dr. Mundo C+ 64.40%
Ekko C+ 62.70%
Nidalee C+ 59.50%
Sylas C+ 63.70%
Zed C+ 58.00%
Lee Sin C+ 58.90%
Talon C+ 58.80%
Quinn C+ 59.80%
Kalista C+ 62.30%
Kayn C+ 62.90%
Kha’Zix C+ 59.50%
Zoe C+ 58.10%
Zac C+ 59.90%
Fiddlesticks C 66.50%
Evelynn C 59.70%
Elise C 63.60%
Pyke C 58.10%
Sejuani C 65.20%
Lillia C 52.15%
Janna C 66.90%
Irelia C 61.60%
Ornn C 60.40%
Galio C 67.60%
Olaf C 61.20%
Garen C 62.70%
Syndra C- 63.80%
Rakan C- 61.60%
Hecarim C- 59.90%
Rengar C- 59.90%
Aurelion Sol C- 67.60%
Azir C- 61.90%
Shyvana C- 60.70%
Akali C- 51.80%
Fizz C- 61.00%
Yuumi C- 63.80%
Master Yi D+ 63.50%
Tryndamere D+ 58.60%
Sion D+ 64.80%
Rumble D+ 63.80%
Tahm Kench D+ 57.20%
Twisted Fate D+ 62.50%
Nocturne D 57.10%
Malphite D 63.20%
Blitzcrank D 59.10%
Qiyana D 68.40%
Renekton D 62.10%
Udyr D 60.70%
LeBlanc D- 58.10%
Kennen D- 61.50%
Nunu D- 61.60%
Rammus D- 64.00%
Bard D- 60.00%

So that is all for our guide on Lol Nexus Blitz Tier List. If you would like to know the Skullgirls Mobile Tier List make sure you check out our article on that too.

Shaili Chheda

Hi nice to meet you, I live in an RPG simulation just like you.

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