Tier List

Murim Cultivation Race Tier List

Cultivate with the Race of this Murim Cultivation tier list and surpass realms faster to reach immortality.

Surpass all the realms and become the best martial artist by cultivating in top Races using our Murim Cultivation tier list. If you are an avid reader of Murim Cultivation Manhua or Manhwa, you must already be aware of how Race affects your QI expansion, Health, and overall capacity. Start the cultivation in one of the three paths Heavenly, Demonic, and Beast, and collect Race Manual Reroll if you are not one of the top Race. Mediate with the new Race to break through realms faster and reach immortality.

Murim Cultivation Tier List

The tier list is divided into five sections: S, A, B, C, and D. S has the highest QI, Health, and other stats, while D has the lowest. There aren’t many Races in the game for now, so we might see new races in the future. And if they do add a new Race, we’ll update the list. You should bookmark this guide with ctrl+D to learn about any such future changes.

S Tier Race

  • Dragon
    • Race Rate 1%
      Speed Buff = 1, Damage Buff = 1.3, Health Buff = 1.2, QI Buff = 1.3

A Tier Race

  • Elf
    • Race Rate 10%
      Buffs: Speed Buff = 1.1, Damage Buff = 1, Health Buff = 1, QI Buff = 1.35
  • Dwarf
    • Race Rate 10%
      Buffs: Speed Buff = 1.1, Damage Buff = 1.2, Health Buff = 1.2, QI Buff = 1

B Tier Race

  • Lizardman
    • Race Rate 15%
      Buffs: Speed Buff = 1.1, Damage Buff = 1.1, Health Buff = 1, QI Buff = 1

C Tier Race

  • Neko
    • Race Rate 20%
      Buffs: Speed Buff = 1.2, Damage Buff = 1, Health Buff = 1, QI Buff = 1

D Tier Race

  • Human
    • Race Rate 50%
      Buffs: Speed Buff = 1, Damage Buff = 1, Durability Buff = 1, QI Buff = 1

That’s all for the Murim Cultivation Race tier list. The Murim world is vast and has many things to explore, realms to surpass, skills to unlock, and weapons to obtain. If you are curious about the game or are new, you should check our Murim Cultivation Trello and Discord guide. Trello has everything you need from the world map to enemy location and Cultivation zones. You should also check our Murim Cultivation codes list to redeem and get free Aptitude rerolls.

Mansi Singh

From Kemco's Glorious Savior, Asdivine Dios, Revenant Saga to Haiku's Asylum, Murder Inn, and Time Library. Mysterious and RPGs have always been the soul of my life. Today Magic Awakened, TOTK, Asphalt Legends, SoS AWL, and Ni no Kuni have grasped me. But the future untold full of exciting stories are waiting to be explored, and I wish to live them all.

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