How To Get Lizard Tail In Genshin Impact

Lizard Tail in Genshin Impact are crafting items that will help you make essential oils. Check out how to get lizard tail in Genshin Impact

Lizard Tail in Genshin Impact is a crafting item that you can combine with others to create essential oils in the game. They spawn at a specific location in the open world and if you want to know where to find lizard tail in Genshin Impact then read the rest of this guide.

How To Get Lizard Tail In Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact resembles a lot of real-life, this means that you will need to find a lizard first to get your hands on a lizard tail. Now Lizards in Genshin Impact only spawn at Whispering Woods, so it is recommended that you teleport to Starfell Lake and start searching for lizards over here.

Finding them is purely dependent on your luck and you might find a lot of them or it may take some time before you can get a lizard’s tail.

how to get lizard tail in genshin impact

Once you have the lizard tail, you will be able to craft items like Frosting Essential Oil and Gushing Essential Oil. The Frosting Essential Oil will help Cryo characters to buff up their stats momentarily and the Gushing Essential Oil offers a boost to Anemo, boosting greater Anemo DMG for players.

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These elemental oils are necessary when you’re trying to defeat elemental bosses in Genshin Impact.

Once you get to Starfell Lake, keep looking around the area, make sure that you do not get too close to the water as we’ve found Lizard do not go to this area and are found near rocks or other dryland areas.

You will need one lizard tail each to create the Gushing and Frosting essential oils in Genshin Impact, and if you’re planning to defeat an elemental boss, you should stock up on this item and the oils necessary for your progress.

This is all there is to know about how to get a lizards tail in Genshin Impact. Genesis Crystals are important things in the game and something that you should not ignore. Check out how to find and get Genesis Crystals in Genshin Impact.